Snapshots - Master Index An Alphabetized Index Of Groups, Individuals And Doctrines |
Although we have lengthy essays in our ProFile section on many religious groups and individuals, there are many, many more that we've been unable to cover. However, the need exists for a quick reference, so we've created our Snapshots section to provide a brief synopsis on many subjects that we've encountered. Like the ProFiles section, these notes have been generated through years of investigative journalism over the last two decades. Presently alphabetized, the ProFiles are sometimes terse notes, added to the site quickly, in order have the resource available for those that only need a yea or a nay from CM. If you are searching for comments on a particular person or subject, be sure to look under their first name as many of our snapshots are notorious for their Internet presence and their first name is very commonly posted using that convention. As many know, the material published here at Christian Media is focused on prophecy and adjacent ministries impacting prophecy. Furthermore, because Christian Media believes the overwhelming majority of organized ministries have all become part of the great Falling Away, prophesied of in the New Testament, there is no shortage of subjects for scrutiny in these files. An important point should be mentioned regarding our Snapshots and their lengthier counterparts, the ProFiles. These materials are subject to change at any time, pending a change in the circumstances surrounding the key individuals mentioned in these essays. Because we are aggressively involved in a long overdue scrutiny of the widespread wrong-doing occurring in the religious arena, we want to be just as aggressive in restoration (or at least revision of the data), should any of the facts contained in these articles change significantly. To that end, if the reader is aware of additional data that is not included in any of our files, we welcome your response. Please forward any relevant information to: James@ChristianMediaResearch.com. You may also write to us via surface mail at: Christian Media Research, Box 448, Jacksonville OR 97530. Our telephone number is: 541-899-8888. |