The Lies Unravel |
A week after Steve Quayle promised me he would demand the source of the information from Bill Brumbaugh, I was still waiting to hear back from him. It seemed that Quayle was going to renege on his promise. Then on February 13th, 2001, Baloney Bill changed the figure for the supposed $1,000 we had received on his behalf to $4,000! Once again, posting an internet note to his subscription list, Bill wrote "In regard to finances, donations were sent to cover my broadcast. One donation alone was sent on behalf of the broadcasters ($4,000.00). Other donations were received specifically for my show, and others to be shared among the broadcasters." (37) After the amount of the supposed Brumbaugh donation mushroomed to $4,000 I again asked Chris Blodgett if he knew anything about this assertion. He denied any involvement. I also asked him about the "Colorado couple" story and if he knew anything about that. He emphatically denied knowing anything about these matters. Back in February, 2001, as I sought to figure out what was really going on behind all of these swirling accusations, I remembered that we had received a large donation of $3,000 the first week of January. This generous check was a combination product order for a large bunch of books and tapes as well as a gift for the radio network. I vaguely remembered that the woman who gave us the check had written a letter with the donation that said how much she enjoyed the various hosts and named several of them - including me. I checked our subscription records and found that she had been a subscriber and reader of our materials since January of 1997. I also remembered that although her check had been made out to Christian Media, it had somehow been sent to Chris Blodgett instead of our regular post office box. Once again, the trail kept leading to Chris Blodgett. I was growing angrier by the minute at the massive load of accusations aimed at us with no source or documentation whatsoever. To make matters worse, now they were casting aspersions on my wife who was completely innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. By this time it had been weeks since Bill Brumbaugh began making his inflammatory statements and he had yet to provide one source, one detail, or even one documentable fact about his innuendo - in spite of the fact that he had been challenged to do so by numerous listeners and even subscribers to his own internet subscription service. On 02/16/2001, I called Steve Quayle a 3rd time to demand he keep his promise. I had waited 11 days since he had given me his word he would track down the information as a good faith measure. He said that Bill refused to provide him with any specifics, and stated that Brumbaugh was clinging to the story about the Colorado couple. I became very angry, and then Steve blurted out that Chris Blodgett had told him about the $3,000 check that was supposedly sent to pay for Bill Brumbaugh's air-time! I exploded in anger, cursed Steve and hung up the phone on him. This statement was the "smoking gun." It proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chris Blodgett had been feeding the lies to Steve Quayle, and Bill Brumbaugh received the information from Steve - not the other way around. It meant that Quayle had repeatedly lied to me when he said he got the slander from Brumbaugh when he knew all along that it had originated with Chris Blodgett. I was livid. I stormed into the studio where Chris was live on the air calling in from his house. I instructed Craig to cut him off and put in a tape. I then picked up the phone and cursed Blodgett. I told him I knew he was the source of the slanderous lies and he had no right to behave in such a fashion. He lamely protested, and once again denied saying anything to Steve Quayle! I told him Quayle had already admitted it so why keep on lying? I told him he was off the air and I would call him later when I calmed down. That evening during my regular Apocalypse Chronicles broadcast, I calmly stated that it is now known that Chris Blodgett's behaviour has been incompatible with scriptural admonitions, and he was off the network. |
The Investigation Begins |
Francis Steffan told me he had previously determined that since I didn't believe my own wife about the Blodgetts, '...why would you believe me?' Ralph Haaff called me and told me that over a month before, he had become convinced that the Blodgetts' accusations of Susan and myself were slanderous murmurings and he had begun to pull away from him. I called every other host we had left and got a similar story. Kirke Wise of the Back To Basics program confirmed the bathroom building project story of how Chris had supposedly built the cabin bathroom, spent "thousands" of dollars of his own money, and had then been kicked out. Craig Portwood told me even more detailed accounts of his clashes with Chris. The list of people that had been lied to about us continued to grow. I've now received e-mails, letters, and telephone accounts from around the country all saying the same thing. For example, I recently received a letter from a brother named Dan Frieders in Missouri. A long time listener that had begun corresponding with the Blodgetts, Dan told me that Sharon had been slandering us in her letters for many months. Dan sent me a recent postcard in Sharon Blodgett's own handwriting. The postcard is dated 02/16/01. It says: "I don't think James is sick & tired of what he's doing. Susan just badgers him all day because she wants out. She hates the ministry & the people in the remnant. She hates me & Chris & wants us gone. I haven't been up there for 5 wks & neither one has asked about me. Chris is the next to go. Susan hates when Chris ministers to James. Chris can see all the spiritual crap that goes on up there & that makes her uncomfortable. "Chris can't stay with w/CMN because Susan wants him gone & James will give in to her. Ask God to show you what's going on at the station. Jezebel is heavy at work. Craig is back with all his familiar spirits & Susan is glad." (38) Once it became clear that Chris was lying, our friend Ralph Haaff aggressively got involved in trying to document the truth. Because he and his wife were in a leadership role with a modest circle of Christian Media friends, many people began calling them to ask what was really going on. Ralph decided he would contact Chris and insist on some form of evidence for all of the Blodgetts' accusations. Predictably, there is none. In a conversation that took place on 02/15/01, Ralph realized that Chris Blodgett's statements at that time contradicted information he had already received from Chris and Sharon. Once he realized that he was being brazenly lied to, Ralph decided that if he learned anything from Chris about what had been done, he would then become the next target. He also concluded that many people would simply refuse to believe that Chris and Sharon Blodgett could be so incredibly deceitful. To protect himself from getting caught in the inevitable crossfire, Ralph tape recorded two very confrontational conversations with Chris Blodgett. This is, by the way, a perfectly legal process in Oregon. Courts have held that as long as one of the two parties are aware the call is being recorded, taping a telephone conversation is legal. The first tape was made on 02/18/01, the second three days later (02/21/01). There are many incriminating, contradictory statements on these tapes. The conversations were with both Chris and Sharon. For example, on the first tape Chris continues to declare he never spoke to anyone about the $3,000 donation for Christian Media. He says: "You're the only person that I've talked to about this $3,000 check besides James and Sharon." (39) The fact is, Steve Quayle had already admitted to me three days earlier that Chris told him about the check "weeks ago." (40) Indeed, Steve has now made that admission on the air. (41) Chris continues to lie and proclaim his innocence on both tapes. Here's what he says of me (James Lloyd). Chris: "He's telling everybody that I'm the source of information for Bill Brumbaugh and Steve Quayle...The thing is, I'm not the source of Bill Brumbaugh and Steve Quayle's Information." (42) (to hear the sound file, run your mouse over HERE) But apparently Chris forgot to cue Sharon as to what to say, when she was recorded three days later on the 2nd tape. Ralph and Sharon had this conversation: Ralph: "Langford, Quayle and Bill Brumbaugh, they're all good buddies. Chris is the one making the accusations of pot. It came out...you tell me...who told them?" Sharon: "Yeah, we did." (to hear the sound file, run your mouse overHERE) In spite of this glaring admission, Chris continued to deny everything during the same conversation! In fact, he yelled and bullied and verbally abused Ralph in the most terrible fashion for a solid 20 minutes. Ralph sought to quote scriptures to Chris, and Chris and Sharon both continually yelled at him for "betraying" them. The lies just continued to pile up in order to cover the lies. For instance, Chris referenced an e-mail that was sent to him by one of the listeners named Chantre Rodriguez. I have her original e-mail as well as Chris' written response. Chris responded to this young woman telling her that "James accused me of telling Steve Quayle about his finances. I said I never did that, and he called me a liar...." (43) It's now apparent that he was deliberately lying to Chantre with his denial, because at that point, Chris had already been exposed by Steve Quayle himself. Another listener in Michigan named Tom Spencer has been told by Chris that "Leslie [Craig's wife] said that Craig and Susan had conspired to get me arrested...." (44) Once again, Ralph asked Chris for some kind of evidence that his assertions have some basis in fact. On the 2nd tape, Chris plainly tells Ralph "I'm not gonna offer you any physical proof of anything." (45) The incredible accusation that Susan and Craig are plotting against Chris and Sharon was eventually modified. The 2nd version of this tale had it that Susan and Craig were going to hire a hit man to do a drive by shooting and have Chris killed! And finally, the 3rd version changed again, and now the story goes that Susan and I are plotting to murder Chris! After I heard this one, I changed all my locks, for it's become readily apparent that the "reprobate mind" spoken of in scripture is a very real phenomena. |