Steve Quayle, Bill Brumbaugh and Butch Paugh |
For those that are unaware of what happened, shortly after the first of the year the Christian Media Network had numerous hosts resign simultaneously. Pastor Butch Paugh had been offered free satellite and shortwave time by the head of Genesis. No network can sustain that for long, and it was obvious that this was a tactic designed to pull one of the important client/pastors away from Christian Media in order to deprive the network of his revenue. Even though he had previously and repeatedly vowed that he would have nothing to do with WWFV (formerly WGTG) due to the malicious behaviour of the owner Dave Frantz, Butch chose the way of Mammon over keeping his word. In an apparent effort to soothe his convicted heart, Paugh corresponded with Pastor David Lankford concerning me, and both agreed in writing that I have "a root of bitterness." I wrote a private letter to Butch in accordance with Matthew 18 and rebuked him for his new association with the group of non-Christians that has sought to compete with Christian Media in such a predatory fashion that they've even been implicated in attempting to crash our website. We also have credible information that Genesis has actually jammed our shortwave signal with a pirate transmitter on at least one occasion. That letter of rebuke to Pastor Butch Paugh was coarse and blunt, but it needed to be said. Butch's response was to get another letter from Pastor Lankford referring to my alleged "root of bitterness" and reprint them both in volume - mailing both pieces of correspondence to his mailing list. This was clearly a frontal attack on the ministry. At the time, I thought Pastor David Lankford was turning against me so harshly because he was under conviction by the Holy Spirit over his continued involvement in a 501(c)(3) church and my repeated on-air denunciations of the same as "the whore of Babylon." In January, 2001 Pastor Lankford abruptly quit the network with less than 24 hours notice. Lankford faxed us a terse note on a Sunday saying he was through and wouldn't do his show the next day. So much for courtesy. The very next day, while broadcasting live, Steve Quayle suddenly announced he was leaving at the end of the week as well! He inaccurately stated he had already discussed it with me. He hadn't, and this was the first of a lengthy series of lies that greatly distressed me as my old friend slipped into an alarming pattern of dishonesty. Bill Brumbaugh had already been released due to his reneging on his promise to pay for his airtime. It turns out this is a practice that seems to be perpetual with Baloney Bill - look elsewhere on this website for a more elaborate examination of his continuing pattern of dissimulations. A week later Dave Martin left, defending his own involvement in a state licensed church. Every one of these hosts eventually went to the non-Christian controlled Genesis Network. The Genesis sponsored attacks on Christian Media via their shortwave affiliate was the subject of a lengthy examination in our book Shortwave Wars. In brief, our signal has been jammed, and during our first year on the air, Christian Media was repeatedly attacked on virtually every program as Dave Frantz pre-empted regular programming at various times to "bring railing accusations" against us. During the last year when Steve Quayle was on CMN, he publicly stated on his broadcast that he would never have any association with Genesis or Dave Frantz ever again. After resigning from our network in a move that was obviously coordinated with the other hosts to show unity against Christian Media, Steve's last broadcast with CMN was on January 12th, 2001. The following Monday (01/15/01), Steve Quayle guest hosted on Genesis for David Lankford! On that broadcast, he announced his program was now going to be on Genesis! One week later (01/24/01), Bill Brumbaugh began the first of several inflammatory attacks on me. These were all nebulous accusations with no actual details. In this particular e-mail in which he communicated with one of our listeners, he wrote that if anyone knew what is really "...going on behind the scenes...you would be staggered by what you would find. I have ZERO confidence in righteous truth coming out of those whose lifestyles are in direct contrast to how our Father in heaven has laid out...." (28) In that same correspondence, Bill wrote that "the information that exists in Steve's hands is so shocking if he wished to retaliate, that James' ministry would shut down nearly overnight - This is not mentioning other grievances of substantial credibility of which I am in possession of." (29) It was more than obvious in this correspondence that Mr. Brumbaugh had some kind of information that he believed would be damaging to our ministry. Yet by proclaiming he and Mr. Quayle didn't want to make that information public, they left the reader's imagination to run wild. In that same email of January 24th, 2001 Bill Brumbaugh stated that "I am aware that MORE than enough compensation has been rendered for my broadcast time" (30) on Christian Media. We later heard from listeners that were in contact with Bill Brumbaugh that he was claiming that we had received a $1,000 donation that was supposed to pay for his airtime. This was apparently Bill's justification for not paying the network for the shortwave time that he had already utilized. No-one at Christian Media, including Chris Blodgett, seemed to know what he was talking about. Two days later, Bill Brumbaugh trumpeted Quayle's "new" show on Genesis with a mass e-mail that read "Steve Quayle expands his broadcast." (31) Of course, this was not an "expansion" for on CMN Steve was heard 10 hours per week on shortwave, while on Genesis his show is only broadcast 5 hours per week. I mention this posting to underline Quayle's connection to Bill Brumbaugh's website because of what comes next. After having Bill Brumbaugh's seamy innuendos forwarded to me, on the air I publicly challenged Bill Brumbaugh to come forward with his accusations. "If you have damaging information, let's hear it," I said. I have nothing to hide. Indeed, hinting at some unstated sin is completely slanderous and thoroughly unbiblical. Bill was also challenged through more than one e-mail from Christian Media supporters to 'put up or shut up.' During my broadcast I also categorically stated to the listeners that Bill Brumbaugh had ripped off the Christian Media Network for 8 weeks of shortwave time. No innuendo there at all - just a simple fact. Less than a week later (01/30/01), Bill Brumbaugh posted the following on his website: "The nature of division, derision and just abject nastiness that is flowing out of James Lloyd and CMN right now is starting to be of greater concern to myself, Steve Quayle, and others...." (32) The same day as Brumbaugh's website posting, I received a veiled threat via e-mail from Steve Quayle. Steve wrote "There are a lot of things that I know about who's smoking what that I do not believe would be in your best interests to have exposed." (33) In that same email, Steve told me that I "would do well to pay attention to what Chris says." (34) This plainly demonstrated that Steve was in contact with Chris Blodgett - clearly an ethical violation since Quayle had already publicly lied about me during his last week on the air, and everyone at Christian Media, including Chris Blodgett knew about it. In what could only be described as a 'carrot and stick' approach, Steve then suggested we "bury the hatchet off the air." (35) The next day, because Bill Brumbaugh had never really answered the challenge with anything but more innuendo, he had apparently received so many e-mails that he then posted this evasive communiqué: "Okay folks, I guess I should not stand up for my friends and point out actions that I feel are incredibly apostate, as well as other issues that will now NEVER come to light." (36) The truth is, we want those accusations to "come to light" so they can be dispelled. People used to be considered innocent until proven guilty. We can't even get these liars to plainly state an accusation to our faces - even though they have no evidence or documentation to back any of it up, we'll settle for them at least coming out in the open instead of more vague innuendo. Two days later, on Friday (02/02/01), I responded to Steve's e-mail with a lengthy 4 page e-mail reminding him of the recent events surrounding Genesis. I also called his attention to the unsubstantiated Brumbaugh statements that had been made on the internet. The following Monday (02/05/01), Steve Quayle called me and in a conciliatory conversation, asked me what he could do to "build a new bridge between us." I was encouraged by his manner, and I told him I greatly appreciated his willingness to attempt a reaproachement. He repeated his offer of "what can I do to make us friends again?" I told Steve I wanted two things from him. First, I said I wanted the source of Brumbaugh's nebulous $1,000 donation statement on the internet. After all, if someone gave your ministry a $1,000 gift, wouldn't you at least keep a record of it? The fact was, I could find no trace of any gift of any amount that was specifically earmarked for Bill Brumbaugh. Steve said that Bill had also told him about a mysterious $1,000 we had received that wasn't properly credited. The second condition I asked for was for Steve to tell me what was the source of the "who's smoking what" statement he had emailed me on 01/30/01. Steve said that also came from Bill Brumbaugh. He further said he "recollected" that Bill had told him of a couple from Colorado that had stayed in our home and later told Bill that they saw my wife Susan smoking marijuana in the forest! Steve promised me that he would get these two items of information for me. He said that Bill Brumbaugh (who also lives in Bozeman Montana where Steve is) was coming over for lunch that very day, and he would insist on some detailed information that he would relay back to me. Since I knew that both of these accusations were lies, I knew that Bill had either made them up, or had heard them elsewhere. I had hoped that Steve would realize that he was receiving false data from Brumbaugh and reconsider his position - to say nothing of his continued support for such a deceptive deadbeat. I called Steve the next day to see if he had the information. He wasn't available. The following day I called again and he, once again, did not return my phone call. I sensed that he wasn't going to keep his word and provide me with the information. In the meantime, since there was a couple from Colorado that had spent one night with us during Chris and Sharon's tour, I knew that somehow they had been drawn into this as the source of this phony information. Having known them for many years, I knew that Dale Currey and his wife would not lie to me. Predictably, after speaking to Dale, he had never heard anything about the matter at all, and categorically stated they hadn't even listened to Bill Brumbaugh's radio program for at least 2 years. Meanwhile, Pastor Butch Paugh joined the fray and began repeating statements made to him by Chris Blodgett as meritorious. At a regular Bible study group that met on March 4th 2001, Butch Paugh told his group that I recently burglarized Chris Blodgett's house! One might think Butch would try to receive some kind of confirmation or documentation of such a wild claim before publicly announcing it to a Bible study group, but that has not been the case in the strange charade of Chris and Sharon Blodgett. Needless to say, this accusation, along with virtually every other statement being made by Chris and Sharon, is completely false. |