If they walk like ducks... |
Apparently Chris photocopied the check and the letter before turning it over to me. The check was accompanied by a letter that ordered numerous books and tapes and updated her subscriptions to Christian Media and the Apocalypse Chronicles. Our records show that Dorothy had been receiving our print materials for about 3 years. The letter stated that she listened to many hosts on the network, including me (James Lloyd), Chris Blodgett, Steve Quayle, David Lankford, and others. Dorothy specifically stated in the accompanying letter that the gift was to keep the Christian Media Network on the air. Under ordinary circumstances, this never would have become an issue, but since Chris Blodgett was aware of the check, the grab for the money began. Chris "decided" that he should have a portion of this money for himself. Furthermore, he sought to ally himself with Steve Quayle with this event and called Steve and told him about a gift that was to be dispersed between the hosts mentioned in the letter. A cash dispersal was never specified and this move was well beyond any responsible action on the part of Chris Blodgett. Indeed, at the time, all the hosts owed money to Christian Media - but that's not the point. The point is, Chris Blodgett sowed seeds of distrust among the other hosts just as he had been doing for at least a year, and then he repeatedly lied and denied it. This lie was then covered up by Steve Quayle who repeatedly lied to me to cover up Chris Blodgett's lies! On February 21st, 2001 Sharon Blodgett continued to deny any blame at all, and claimed that I am the one creating all the controversy! She said that she and Chris have never tried to sabotage the network. On that date, Sharon stated "The thing is, Chris told James we're walking away, we never did a thing...we just walked away...." (46) Yet 5 days later, the Blodgetts arranged to have Steve Quayle call Dorothy and interview her on his radio program, in an effort to embarrass Christian Media and myself. Steve Quayle would have no way of knowing the identity of a particular supporter of Christian Media. However, because Chris and Sharon photocopied the check and letter (which included Dorothy's phone number), they are the only party that could have provided this information to Steve Quayle. Yet both Chris and Sharon cling to the story that they "never did a thing." When Quayle had Dorothy on the air for a very brief interview, it was clear he was trying to coax statements out of her that would indicate I was somehow negligent in the handling of the funds she donated. However, the tactic backfired. Dorothy stated: "I didn't specifically say use this here or use this there, but my intention was for it to be used to pay back bills for the broadcasters and to keep Christian Media on the air because they had some good information the people need to hear." (47) During the show, Steve repeatedly tried to twist her words so that she would say that the money was specifically for Chris Blodgett or even Bill Brumbaugh. But Dorothy repeated: "My intent was to keep the broadcasters on the air. And I noted in there that I enjoyed listening to Chris, David and Steve and Bill." (48) Dorothy also confirmed that she also ordered a number of books and tapes (mostly my materials). She then got off the air. Steve Quayle then brought on Bill Brumbaugh and for the balance of the hour on international shortwave radio, they denounced me as a false prophet, a thief, and a liar. Virtually all of these accusations are directly related to Chris Blodgett's now exposed manipulations. It should be stated that because Dorothy Dishman included "back bills" of the broadcasters as beneficiaries of her donation, at the time there were about 7 other programmers on the network - thus even if those funds were split equally between every program, it would not have covered even one third of the funds then owed by Brumbaugh or Quayle to the network. There were several interesting admissions on the Steve Quayle broadcast of 02/26/01 that are relevant to the present exposé. After having told me for weeks that Bill Brumbaugh was the source of the information, Steve changed his story completely and now repeatedly stated that Chris Blodgett had told him about the $3,000 check! On the air, Steve said "I was the one who told Bill Brumbaugh that three thousand dollar donation had come to help cover the expenses of Christian Media Network radio broadcast." (49) This is five days after Chris told Ralph Haaff "Your're the only person that I've talked to about this $3,000 check besides James and Sharon." (50) Less than a week before that, Chris lied to Chantre Rodriguez in an e-mail when he wrote that James "...accused me of telling Steve Quayle about his finances. I said I never did that, and he called me a liar...." (51) On his broadcast, Steve Quayle said that Chris had told him about the donation as a "praise report." (52) We might ask that if this information was a "praise report,"why then does Chris feel the need to continue to lie about it? Furthermore, Steve Quayle categorically told me in two different conversations that the information came from Bill Brumbaugh. As previously noted, Steve had promised me that he would get Bill to provide me with the source of the information. (53) During this broadcast, Steve Quayle repeatedly endorsed Chris Blodgett. "Chris Blodgett has done nothing wrong," Steve said. (54) Later, he went even further and asserted how his discernment had confirmed to him that Chris Blodgett is the godly man in this whole seamy affair: "I have known a lot of people in the Lord and never once have I discerned anything that has been contrary to anything coming from Chris Blodgett." (55) Finally, Steve resorted to the same nebulous innuendo that Bill Brumbaugh has been perpetrating all these months. Without offering any specifics or details as we have repeatedly asked all these liars to provide us with, he simply alluded to some unknown sin at Christian Media. On the radio, Steve said "And ladies and gentlemen, if I told you other stuff that's going on, it would only, how should I say this, cause a total revulsion. You would vomit. I want you to know that, you would vomit - those of you who are discerning...." (56) There is a great deal more scrutiny due the dissimulations of Steve Quayle and Bill Brumbaugh, and it is available on this website. Futhermore, most of the broadcast statements that have been quoted here are available as audio files on this website. We would urge the reader to take the time to listen to the primary audio file on the site as it not only includes data on Steve Quayle, but recorded statements from Bill Brumbaugh, David Lankford, Chris Blodgett, and several others are also provided. |
In Summary |
Throughout both tapes and in every public correspondence, Chris and Sharon continue to proclaim they have never spoken against us. Here are a few of those statements that are documented on tape, with the dates. These are correlated with written documents and other people's statements that show the Blodgett statements to be nothing but lies. Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape.- "I have been honest and forthright in all my dealings. I haven't lied to anyone, I haven't gone behind anybody's back and sowed information to try and destroy anyone." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape - "He's [James] a liar, he doesn't care about you, he doesn't love you, he's added nothing to your life, but strife." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape - "You're the only person that I've talked to about this $3,000 check besides James and Sharon." Steve Quayle, 02/15/2001, telephone conversation with James - "Chris told me about the big check you got weeks ago." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape (claiming he saw Susan smoking pot) - "I haven't seen her smoke for a long time." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape (claiming he never saw Susan smoking pot) - "I've never seen her smoke." Chris Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape - "I would never fabricate a lie about anyone because I've had too many of them said about me." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape - "Craig and Susan had conspired to get me arrested...if they couldn't do that, they would hire somebody to get me killed." Chris Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape (speaking of James Lloyd) - "I've never once lied about the man." Chris Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape (speaking of James Lloyd) - "I didn't [try to] break up a ministry, he's doing it." Chris Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape - "Go ahead and follow this man [James Lloyd] to hell." Chris Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape - "I know I've never lied to you about James, or Craig, or Susan." Chris Blodgett, 02/18/2001, on tape - "I'll be honest with you, James is irrational right now, he's crazy." Sharon Blodgett, 02/21/2001, on tape - "We never did a thing to [James and Susan]." Sharon Blodgett, 02/16/2001, in her own handwriting to Brother Dan in Missouri - "Susan...hates the ministry & the people in the remnant...Jezebel is heavy at work." Ralph Haaff, 03/05/2001, in a telephone conversation with James Lloyd - "There is not a doubt in my mind that Chris and Sharon Blodgett wanted to break this ministry, so they could pick up the pieces." In summary, it has become painfully clear that the entire process of carefully sowing seeds of discord was calculated to manipulate others into placing Chris and Sharon Blodgett in a higher place of esteem. This elevation of the Blodgetts occurred at the expense of myself and others that God has placed in a position of leadership at Christian Media. One of the tape sets that Chris Blodgett recorded that we previously offered in our catalogue was called Witchcraft In The Church. In this interesting teaching, Chris showed how witchcraft is widespread in the church in a fashion that most do not recognize. Anton LeVey's Satanic Bible defines witchcraft as follows: "Witchcraft is the controlling of other people through manipulation, or intimidation for the purposes of domination." On Chris Blodgett's teaching tape, he notes how pastors and leaders of Christian ministries commonly utilize this form of witchcraft (manipulation) in their fund raising and political maneuvering. Chris stated, "If I start to manipulate you during this broadcast, it's witchcraft. We have to call it what it is. We need to repent of it...all of this stuff is to manipulate people away from the truth, and it's the spirit of witchcraft. Hopefully, you guys can see the truth of that." We couldn't concur more. "But if thou...makest thy boast of God, And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, Being instructed out of the law, And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them who are in darkness, An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, who hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law - "Thou, therefore, who teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? Thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?" (57) To this I might add: "Thou that teachest others not to commit witchcraft in the church, dost thou commit witchcraft?" James Lloyd
See Also