The Third Way Part II |
What is particularly intriguing about this passage is the subtlety in which the third way is introduced. It has long been established that the dialectic has been in use for centuries before the procedure was ever named. Although the German philosopher Georg Hegel popularized the formula to the degree that it is now commonly named after him in the phrase the Hegelian Dialectic, the process has been utilized since the Garden of Eden. It is a relatively simple formula. Two opposing points of view conflict until they produce a synthesis. It's usually thought of as thesis + antithesis = synthesis, and although many believe there is a conscious conspiracy of conniving globalist leaders that have thoroughly choreographed the military collision that is about to occur, the Bible tells us these things come from the realm of the spirit: "...we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (II Corinthians 4:18). Those same scriptures tell us our enemy is not flesh and blood. Thus, as we encounter the conspiracies of our time, it is very important that we remember the real source of our opposition is found in the "spiritual wickedness" that is in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Indeed, when we misdiagnose the source of our enemy's power, we are also failing to fight these battles with the appropriate weapons. The fact is, all men are being manipulated by "the rulers of the darkness of this world" (Ephesians 6:12), and the scriptures even speak tell us that those that have given themselves over to evil, will deteriorate as they are in the process of "deceving" others. Thus, we must recognize that the two factions that presently dominate the world, which we recognize as the Northern industrial/financial power pitted against the Southern socialist/populist power, are both themselves caught in the devil's dialectic. Daniel's war between the Northern king (the USA and the G8) against the Southern king (the OPEC/Socialist Islamist/developing nations coalition) in chapter 11 has been engineered to produce the Third Way -- a seemingly sensible compromise between the two as personified by world democracy under the auspices of the United Nations. A careful examination of the scriptures will plainly demonstrate that Hegel did not invent the dialectic, the devil did, and although the famous philosopher taught the system to his own eternal detriment, he himself was deceived. Utilized by the serpent in the garden in his interaction with Eve, the synthesis of the two positions -- the LORD's absolute promise that you'll die if you eat the forbidden fruit versus the serpent's diametrically opposite statement that `ye won't die,' the synthesis was that "the woman saw that the tree was good for food" (Genesis 3:6). This was the Third Way -- a compromise between the two perspectives. Since that time, our world has produced millions of variations on this "third way" -- the synthesis of two opposing polarities. Incredibly, even the two final political positions are detailed in the Bible. For instance, the red horse of Revelation 6:4 may be demonstrated to be the explosion of communism, and it is synonymous with the bear symbol in Daniel 7: 5 (obviously Russia). Significantly, this era was followed by the black horse of Revelation 6:5 which history records was the response to communism, the fascism of Germany's Nazis, synonymous with the leopard symbol of Daniel 7:6. The collision of communism and fascism is still occurring -- except it is now on a global basis, and Daniel has it divided along a North versus South demarcation point. This triangular pattern of the dialectic (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) is actually seen in the finale in Revelation where John see "three unclean spirits" that "go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" (Revelation 16:14). Another round of war is inevitable, and as I previously noted, "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse" (II Timothy 3:13), the scope of the tragedy of man's efforts can only escalate all the way to Armageddon. The sad truth is, when men accept the Third Way, they are only moving down the spiritually deceptive road that they can ever produce a resolution to man's millennia old dilemma apart from the LORD Jesus Christ. Now that we've had the first two world wars that were generated with this same formula, and the nations have aligned along the North - South axis that Daniel tells us will precede the Antichrist government, it won't be long now before the third world war occurs. And out of the rubble of that global devastation will come the Third Way of the Beast and his ten king confederation. October 3 2005 -- James Lloyd Copyright © 2005, 2008 Christian Media Network See Also Daniel 11 Predicted North Vs South Conflict |