CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH - Exposing apostacy and more within the Christian church


Attempts To Bring Brumbaugh To Task

hen I corresponded with Steve Quayle, I also called his attention to the unsubstantiated Brumbaugh statements that had been made on the internet. The following Monday on February 5th, Steve Quayle called me and in a conciliatory conversation, asked me what he could do to "build a new bridge between us." I was encouraged by his manner, and I told him I greatly appreciated his willingness to attempt a re-aproachement. He repeated his offer of "what can I do to make us friends again?" I told Steve I wanted two things from him. First, I said I wanted the source of Brumbaugh's alleged $1,000 donation.

Although Christian Media has some serious supporters, I've never managed to be such a poor steward that I would lose track of such a significant gift! If someone gave your ministry a $1,000 gift, wouldn't you remember such a thing? The fact was, I could find no trace of any gift of any amount that was specifically earmarked for Bill Brumbaugh. Steve said that Bill had also told him about a mysterious $1,000 we had received that wasn't properly credited.

I n that email correspondence, Steve Quayle mentioned that he had a recollection (from Bill Brumbaugh) that some couple from Colorado had whispered the dope smoking allegation to Brumbaugh. Steve told me he would try to obtain this information for me. He said that Bill was coming over for lunch, and he would insist on some detailed information that he would then relay back to me. Since I knew that both of these statements were obvious lies, I knew that Bill had either made them up, or had heard them elsewhere. I had hoped that Steve Quayle would realize that he was receiving false data from Brumbaugh and reconsider his position - to say nothing of his continued support for such a deceptive deadbeat.

In the meantime, since there was a couple from Colorado that had spent one night with us during Chris Blodgett's national speaking tour, I knew that somehow they had been drawn into this web of deceit as the so-called "source" of this phony information. Having known them for many years, I knew that Dale Currey and his wife would not lie to me. Predictably, after speaking to Dale, he had never heard anything about the matter at all, and categorically stated they hadn't even listened to Bill Brumbaugh's radio program for at least 2 years. 

However, Blodgett knew the Currey's were coming from Colorado for a visit. 

Bill Brumbaugh Escalates His Lies

or the record, no-one at Christian Media smokes dope! My wife Susan most assuredly wasn't out "in the woods" getting high while our friends from Colorado were here! The plain truth is, the only people that even knew the Colorado couple had stayed at our house were Chris and Sharon Blodgett. This information is ultimately what demonstrated that Chris Blodgett was the culprit behind this campaign of lies.

A week after Steve Quayle promised me he would demand the source of the information from Bill Brumbaugh, I was still waiting to hear back from him. Then on February 13th, 2001, Baloney Bill changed the figure for the supposed $1,000 we had received on his behalf to $4,000! Once again, posting an internet note to his subscription list, Bill wrote "In regard to finances, donations were sent to cover my broadcast. One donation alone was sent on behalf of the broadcasters ($4,000.00). Other donations were received specifically for my show, and others to be shared among the broadcasters." (14)

After the amount of the supposed Brumbaugh donation mushroomed to $4,000 I again asked Chris Blodgett, for the 5th or 6th time, if he knew anything about this assertion. He denied any involvement. I also asked him about the "Colorado couple" story and if he knew anything about that. He emphatically denied knowing anything about these matters.

Back in February as I sought to figure out what was really going on behind all of these swirling accusations, I remembered that we had received a large donation of $3,000 the first week of January. This generous check was a combination product order for 7 or 8 books and tapes as well as a gift for the radio network. I vaguely remembered that the woman who gave us the check had written a letter with the donation that said how much she enjoyed the various hosts and named several of them - including me. I checked our computer records and found that she had been a subscriber and reader of our materials since January of 1997.

I also remembered that although her check had been made out to Christian Media, it had somehow ended up in Chris Blodgett's mailbox instead of our regular post office box. Once again, the trail kept leading to Chris Blodgett.

I was growing angrier by the minute at the massive load of accusations aimed at us with no source or documentation whatsoever. To make matters worse, now they were casting aspersions on my wife who was completely innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. By this time it had been many weeks since Bill Brumbaugh began making his inflammatory statements and he had yet to provide one source, one detail, or even one documentable fact about his innuendo - in spite of the fact that he had been challenged to do so by numerous listeners and even subscribers to his own internet subscription letter.

On February 16th, 2001, I called Steve Quayle again and told him he should insist that Brumbaugh provide him, and subsequently me, with the source of his humiliating public accusations. I had waited 11 days since he stated he would speak to Brumbaugh about his accusations. He said that Bill refused to provide him with any specifics, and he further stated that Brumbaugh was clinging to the story about the Colorado couple. I became very angry, and then Steve blurted out that Chris was the one that had told him about the $3,000 check that was supposedly sent to pay for Bill Brumbaugh's air-time! I exploded, cursed him, and hung up the phone on him.

This statement was the "smoking gun." It proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chris Blodgett had been feeding the lies to Brumbaugh and Quayle. I immediately dismissed Chris Blodgett from any association with Christian Media


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