A Generous Listener |
s previously noted, Christian Media received a large donation from a generous woman that had been listening to the shortwave broadcasts. A woman named Dorothy mailed the check, made payable to the Christian Media Network, to Chris Blodgett as she had been listening to his program. Apparently Chris photocopied the check and the letter before turning it over to me. The check was accompanied by a letter that ordered numerous books and tapes and updated her subscriptions to Christian Media and the Apocalypse Chronicles. Our records showed that Dorothy had been receiving our print materials for about 3 years. The letter stated that she listened to many hosts on the network, including James Lloyd, Chris Blodgett, Steve Quayle, David Lankford, and others. Dorothy specifically stated in the accompanying letter that the gift was to keep the Christian Media Network on the air. Under ordinary circumstances, this never would have become an issue, but since Chris Blodgett was aware of the check, the grab for the money began. Chris "decided" that he should have a portion of this money for himself. We later discovered that this was only a small part of the Blodgett plan to completely derail the ministry -- and then apparently `step in' and rescue Christian Media from my alleged "mishandling." This degree of treachery brings to mind the escapades of Judas Iscariot. With these brazen prevarications, Blodgett apparently sought to make allies out of Steve Quayle and Bill Brumbaugh. After a bit more research, I finally learned that Chris Blodgett, a man I implicitly trusted, had been feeding mis-information to Brumbaugh and Quayle. Although we later learned this was part of a larger plan to ingratiate himself with the ministry (see Liars For The Lord: The Charade of Chris and Sharon Blodgett on this site), we can speculate that the dope charge was designed to get rid of Craig Portwood who Blodgett apparently viewed as a rival. In the process, the whispered slander smeared my wife Susan and myself, caused us emotional grief for about two years, and almost destroyed the ministry. And Bill Brumbaugh continually lied about the source of his slander. Furthermore, on the monetary front, the Blodgett incident provided Brumbaughwith the exact ammunition he needed to renege on his obligations. By claiming that he knew of a large gift that was supposedly given to pay for his airtime, he was able to say with a straight face that he didn't owe Christian Media any funds. We weren't even interested in collecting from Brumbaugh as it's best just to move on in such situations; but as he continued to embellish on the accusation, he brought in complete fabrications of substance abuse that could not go unanswered. Concerning the $3,000 gift to the ministry, a cash dispersal was certainly never specified and this move was well beyond any responsible action on the part of Chris Blodgett. Indeed, at the time, all the hosts owed money to Christian Media - but that's not the point. The point is, Chris Blodgett sowed seeds of distrust among the other hosts just as he had been doing for at least a year, and then he repeatedly lied and denied it. This lie was then covered up by almost everybody -- in particular Bill Brumbaugh. On February 21st, 2001 Chris and Sharon Blodgett continued to deny any blame at all, and claimed that I am the one creating all the controversy. Sharon said that she and Chris have never tried to sabotage the network. On that date, Sharon stated "The thing is, Chris told James we're walking away, we never did a thing...we just walked away...." (15)
The Tares Are Being Bundled |
Once he was exposed, instead of backing off, or (God forbid) repenting of what was then clearly established as a series of fabrications, Bill Brumbaugh went on the radio and lashed out at me -- claiming the authority of the Holy Spirit as he sought to associate my work with Satan. Mr. Brumbaugh seemed to hint that the devil is in control of me as I teach Bible prophecy on the radio. He said: "...this is related to me by people that have talked to him, and people that I personally know, that are so disgusted with that, and also what they have referred to as a demonic laugh that comes out of James." (19) He didn't stop there, but went all the way and stated that the spirit that is coming out of me is not the same spirit that empowers him: "I tell you directly that you're serving two masters if you're listening to both our broadcasts, by proxy. Because the one who's teaching over on James Lloyd is not the master I serve." (20) During this same broadcast, it was still claimed that in addition to the significant donation just mentioned, one of Bill Brumbaugh's "supporters" had given Christian Media a one thousand dollar donation for Bill. This was complete fiction and Bill Brumbaugh was still lying to cover his previous lies as well as his deadbeat fiscal antics. Amazingly, Mr. Brumbaugh has now sought to convey the impression that the people that gave Christian Media the supposed donation on his behalf have refused to be identified for fear of their lives! The fact is, if there were such a person, we would have kept a record of such a sizable gift. This entire conflict is extremely important in a spiritual context. As this process sinks deeper and deeper into a deteriorative pattern of deceit, at each step of the way, Mr. Brumbaugh has two choices he can make. He can either repent and tell the truth about his previous dissimulations, or he can continue to lie to cover his pretense. During his radio show of February 26th, 2001, even after he had been widely exposed as repeating fraudulent information from the then disgraced Chris Blodgett, Brumbaugh refused to come clean, and railed on me since I was clearly the party that had pulled his mask off in front of the shortwave listening public. What is amazing is how so-called "Christian" leaders seem to be able to stand and lie on the radio with impunity and never once back up their statements with any documentation. On that particular program, Brumbaugh really spread it on thick: "I talked to some people...I can't be more specific than that because they're afraid for their lives folks. They are literally afraid for their lives. I talked to some people who let me know that they had sent in a thousand dollar donation for my show...they're in Montana. Not only did I not get credit for it. I've been called a liar, and a thief...We have spent years establishing our reputation and...what I have heard and the reports I have had are to the point where I cannot even listen to the vulgarity and the lies and misinformation coming out of James Lloyd and Christian Media right now." (22) In other words, Bill Brumbaugh states that we received $1,000 to pay for his airtime, but he refuses to document the statement by simply telling us who the party is. He then covers the lie by saying the "donators" are "afraid for their lives." The obvious question is, what would someone that has given us money have to fear from us? Furthermore, the transcript from this interview showed that Bill Brumbaugh contradicted his own statement concerning his fictional supporters. At one point, he identified these people by saying "they're in Montana." Yet later in the tape, he seems to have forgotten where he placed them, for he later contradicts that statement with the following: "The folks from the Midwest, that let me know they're afraid for their life...they're afraid for their life. They don't even want me to call them on my phone or on my cell phone. I'm to make contact through a public phone because they say James will get a hold of the records." (23) So first he says the party that donated to us on his behalf are "in Montana" Then 20 minutes later he says they're "from the Midwest!" Then he has the audacity to give us his version of a secret agent making phone calls on pay telephones just in case some prophecy writer in Oregon gets "a hold of the records." And there is more. After realizing that Brumbaugh was able to intentionally lie to his listeners while proclaiming himself to be a Christian leader, it became obvious to me that his behaviour was sociopathis -- what the Bible calls reprobate. I began to look closer at Bill Brumbaugh's history. During his tenure on the Genesis Network, we repeatedly heard Brumbaugh doing a commercial for political videos. On one of these commercials, Mr. Brumbaugh claims to have produced 3 "award winning" commercial videos which are somewhat well known in the patriot community. The 3 titles were named in the radio spot. Knowing that Bill had been working with a video tape duplicator, I wondered if perhaps Bill was crazy enough to think that no-one would ever check to see if he did, indeed, produce these videos. These commercials, in Bill Brumbaugh's own voice, aired repeatedly on the Genesis network. After checking with the production company that owns these 3 videos, I learned that Bill Brumbaugh never produced a video in his life! I couldn't believe the sheer audacity of the man, to actually claim he produced videos that he never worked on! I'm amazed the bunko squad hasn't caught him, but as I looked more and more at Bill Brumbaugh, I realized this man is a complete fraud and has committed a series of criminal infractions that demonstrate he is thoroughly reprobatel. To put it another way, the documentation shows the man to be a liar, a thief, and a fraud. After being booted off Christian Media, Brumbaugh eventually surfaced on a new network called Reality Radio. That didn't last long either, for he then moved to a spin-off of the Truth Radio Network, and at last count was broadcasting on First Amendment Radio. One more issue bears mentioning. As he was leaving Genesis, Brumbaugh began to propagate the Preterist Apostacy -- the doctrine that the tribulation already happened in the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Some preterists actually teach that Christ returned invisibly at that time -- kind of a long ago rapture twist. Oddly enough, knowing Bill Brumbaugh as I do, I don't believe he actually believes the doctrine. I strongly suspect he adopted preterism as a way of seeking to differentiate himself from the plethora of prophecy preachers on shortwave. In short, I believe he's using the doctrine as a way to promote himself. Furthermore, the doctrine provides him with a platform to attack almost any radio host as preterism is an aberrant doctrinal position with relatively few adherents. The cloak and dagger fantasy world that Brumbaugh lives in would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that many people take this pathological liar seriously. While it may be difficult for some to accept, the simple truth is, Bill Brumbaugh is like many others in the "patriot" or the "remnant" Christian community. He's just another poser seeking to cash in on the disenfranchised Christians that are outside of the mainstream churches that are known to listen to shortwave radio. This is in addition to the "patriot" radio listeners that haven't yet seen through his dissimulations. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap...They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us...I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist...henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive...and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (24) -- James Lloyd |