State Sanctioned & Still Secretive |
Others have noted how the farm had many projects that were implemented without any building inspections or permits. The lack of any outside accountability is consistent with much of this apparent effort at keeping the farm on a low profile. Ironically, we are in agreement with this approach as the state should have nothing to say about how the Lord's business is conducted - but that's not the point. Even though Stair's activities on a local level were kept out of 'the system,' the Overcomer Ministry is an incorporated ministry with the federal tax identification number associated with what is called a 501(c)(3). This means the corporation has gone through the procedures for full compliance with a myriad of governmental regulations in order to qualify for a non-profit permit and tax deductibility for gifts to the ministry. These "regulations" include specific instructions as to what can and cannot be said in a state licensed religious organization. Readers of Christian Media know that the state "license" that is the 501(c)(3) requires a voluntary compliance with government policies that are clearly incompatible with scripture. When the state grants a religious body a corporation, the state becomes the head of that incorporated ministry. Obviously, the Bible teaches that Christ is supposed to be the head of a religious body - not the beast government. But that's the problem, for it is clear that Stair doesn't seem to know who the beast government is - a rather surprising turn of events for someone that's supposed to be "the last day prophet." Indeed, for any independent ministry that is supposedly coming out from the beast order to have a state sanctioned identity is beyond hypocrisy - it's thoroughly double-minded. Furthermore, Stair has directly instructed people to continue to pay the unconstitutional and immoral taxes the beast uses to murder true believers with, even as he twists the scriptures to support that position. For example, in a radio interview that was broadcast several years ago, Stair said "Christians ought to pay taxes." He went on to say that "Jesus deliberately went out of his way to pay taxes." Stair has apparently forgotten the text that says "render...unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21). The Bible plainly tells us that everything belongs to God - including the fruits of your labor. This doesn't even address the issue of opposing evil wherever you find it - and if you don't believe our government is evil, you need some smelling salts because you're apparently unconscious. To put it bluntly, Stair is in conformity to the beast government - even as he preaches obedience to God. We submit the two tasks are mutually exclusive.
These are not the actions of an innocent man. At least two young women have accused Stair of using coercion to induce a sexual encounter - even as Stair's defenders say it was consentual sex. We would have to ask how an underage teenager that is in awe of "the prophet" can truly grant the requisite permission for sexual relations under such circumstances? At this writing, we're told Brother Stair has been repeatedly denied bail as the authorities have stated they consider him to be a flight risk. Because he has overseas contacts through his international Shortwave broadcasts (note the mission to Nigeria mentioned earlier) and has actually cited the case of how "prophet" William Branham once fled from the authorities, he still sits in a South Carolina jail. His next bail hearing is in late July. Oddly enough, while many are turning from Stair due to the emerging details of his apparently long-running misdeeds, the number of people at the South Carolina commune has actually grown. This is because Overcomer Ministries operated several other communes in other states. Those groups have broken away from Stair, but individuals in each of them have moved to the Carolina headquarters as they are still in the sway of R G Stair.
While there are responsible Christians in the geographic area of the farm that are seeking to find ways to minister to those that physically live with Brother Stair, Christian Media has been attempting to reach Stair's radio audience with a balanced scriptural perspective on what has occurred. While the mainstream corporate counter-cult "ministries" are most likely salivating at Stair's de facto demise, many Christians that have been following Stair were not in error in many things they've come to believe. As Brother Stair repeatedly stated on Shortwave radio, America IS scheduled for a horrifying judgment in the near future. We should be preparing our hearts and our homes with spiritual (and physical) provisions for the epic battle that is just ahead. The Bible still tells the Remnant believer to "come out" of the Beast sanctioned whore of Babylon - the commercial religion of Christianity, Inc. The challenge before all of us is to truly hear the voice of the bridegroom - because in Mystery Babylon, that "...voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all..." (Revelation 18:23). Apparently, the voice of the bridegroom, "...the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13), hasn't been heard at the farm of Brother Stair for quite some time. ©2002 CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED See Also: |