The Texan & The Tabloid |
Through his Internet presence, he has carefully cultivated another group of disciples. The only thing missing has been print, but the surreptitious control achieved through his personal arrangement with Jo Reaves has now provided Tom Mack with a newspaper through which to propagate his high tech occultism. Interestingly enough, in an unguarded moment, Mack has publicly admitted his manipulation of Jo Reaves, the Editor and Publisher of the Midnight Herald newspaper. In a radio interview with Steve Quayle back in 2000, Mack stated:
Mack: "A lady friend of mine edits a big newspaper, Midnight Herald, she's gotten these prophecies and I said let's see if we can find it in the bible codes." A bit later in the interview, he stayed true to form and categorically informed Quayle that he had indeed "found" his latest convert's name in the Bible Codes. Referring to Jo Reaves, Mack stated:
Mack: "She was rather astounded, she was afraid she wouldn't be in there, but she certainly was." We can only guess what phony flatteries Miss Reaves received from the pretentious "professor," but they must have been significant, for in early 2001, they began cohabitation - which is a polite way of saying they're 'shacked up.' Indeed, it's unclear how Reaves initially 'hooked up' with Mack, but we know that she came to Texas with him in March 2001 and they then set up house together. These "living arrangements" have caused a great consternation with more than one person who is aware of the hidden facets of the relationship. Christian Media received a letter last May that provided some details from an eyewitness, regarding the control Mack now exercises over Jo Reaves. In this correspondence, it is alleged that: "She pays all his expenses, including paying on a car for him and a cell phone. She prints a newsletter and Tom has convinced her she can't do it without him...there is concern that Tom, who supposedly is very good on the computer, may have rigged things so that the woman can't operate without his being there. She has experienced computer crashes and lost files that ONLY Tom could fix." Most of the data in this letter has already been revealed through simple, but diligent research on our part. My telephone conversations with people in Iowa, who know Mr. Mack personally, confirmed the next part of the letter. It states that Tom Mack is, "...a sloppy, fat, obnoxious, conceited glutton. I believe he is a parasite feeding off those Christians who have no discernment and who are easily manipulated...this woman is very paranoid and Tom has convinced her his life and hers are in danger from some people who are against the government. I had laughed at the time but now I think it may be you to whom Tom was referring." (5/22/02 Letter on file) This reference to people who are "against the government" is just another slander that is easily traced back to Steve Quayle and Chris Blodgett - and it is indeed directed towards the Christian Media ministry. In fact, I have written correspondence in Tom Mack's own handwriting dated January 19, 2000, where he sought to very subtly criticize me - a person he doesn't even know - with two radio hosts on the Christian Media Network. In that letter, he categorically states that his information came from Chris Blodgett via Steve Quayle. He writes "Steve had Chris call me after Chris started having some uncertainty about his relationship with James Lloyd." (Mack letter to Ralph Haaff, 1/19/02). In the very next sentence he indicated that his activities were being directed in accordance with things that he had "discerned from the Bible Codes." Apparently, Jo Reaves' discernment has been functioning at an all time low, for Tom Mack has not only moved into her bank account, via her ATM card, but he has flattered her into believing she has a special role to play in the end times. Unfortunately, Miss Reaves has indicated that she is completely disinterested in hearing the truth about her new paramour, Mr. Mack. Thus, while the deep pockets of the Midnight Herald newspaper finance Mr. Mack's sloth, Miss Reaves steadfastly ignores how Tom Mack is busy empire building - utilizing her bank account. In fact, it's likely that Jo Reaves is one of the few who don't know about Mr. Mack's public boasting. For instance, in a nationally broadcast interview on Quayle's Q Files, he bragged about how he flattered Jo Reaves into believing that her name, and the name of her newspaper, were both found in the Bible Codes:
Mack: "I did find her name in the code, along with the paper she edited." |
The Codes As A Carnal Weapon |
Not only has Mack used the "codes" as a way to recruit allies, he's now begun to attack enemies with the codes. In my case, I apparently have the dubious distinction of being the first Christian leader to be publicly maligned by the instrumentality of the Bible Codes. After Mack learned that his allies Steve Quayle and Chris Blodgett were about to clash with Christian Media, he sought to provide validation for their conflict by using the codes. In every other case we've been aware of, Mack told his "associates" that their names are in the Bible Codes in a flattering light. However, in order to validate Blodgett's and Quayle's hostility towards me, Mack needed to find my name in the Bible Codes in an unflattering light. On a nationally broadcast interview on the Q Files, Steve Quayle brought on Tom Mack and he did just that. On national radio, Quayle and Mack proceeded to claim that the Bible Codes overwhelmingly demonstrate that I am in league with Lucifer. Indeed, they poured it on and claimed that the evidence was so conclusive, that the "Bible Codes" prove that I am functioning in the power of the Devil. |