Jerry Falwell |
In the 1980's, Falwell was considered a controversial figure due to his involvement in the Moral Majority, a political action group that sought to inculcate conservative values into the American political dialogue. Jerry Falwell has also published a nationally distributed newspaper in the past. As a result of some of his political activities, Falwell ran into some difficulties with the IRS over the use of his 501(c)(3) non-profit tax status. Federal regulations prohibit religious organizations with the federal permit being involved in political campagns and other areas that seek to influence public policy. Falwell's group ultimately acquiesced to the government's demands and toned down the conservative political rhetoric. By modifying his doctrinal stance to maintain his tax deductibility, Jerry Falwell joined a long list of Christian leaders that have prostituted themselves in order to maintain their financial viability. As a Baptist, Jerry Falwell continues to be immersed in the so-called Judaeo-Christian line of reasoning that the Jews are the chosen people and should thusly be supported by Christians. A couple of years ago, his church presented a check for $1.5 million dollars with no strings attached to the government of Israel. This unqualified support for the modern state of Israel has made him a welcome guest in the halls of Israeli government. In 1999, Falwell was deeply involved in a Jewish/Christian conference that again sought to demonstrate unconditional support for Israel. The event was held at the Opryland Hotel on February 2, 1999, and 500 Christians led by Jerry and others of like mind. Republican presidential candidates Gary Bauer and Lamar Alexander showed up as well. The conference invited several West Bank settlers and other Jewish figures. There were no calls whatsoever to convert the Jews to Christianity. It was simply what one writer dubbed "a lovefest." Falwell parrots the classic Rapture Cult dogma that the Jews will be redeemed by God after the church is raptured - before the tribulation. In this regard, the reverend has also demonstrated that he is simply another hireling with gigantic blind spot when it comes to prophecy. His political vision is rather myopic as well for he recently referred to Al Gore and his wife as "moral, decent people, Christian people." At that same gathering, Falwell apologized for remarks he had made 3 weeks earlier in which he stated that the Antichrist will be a Jew. After receiving a considerable degree of Jewish outrage over the statement, Falwell buckled under and renounced his previous statement. There is, of course, no scripture for any of the reverend Jerry's fabulous pronouncements, but that's never stopped him before. In the months prior to January 1st, 2000, Falwell jumped on the Y2K money wagon - marketing a new book, a new video, a new periodical, etc... It is amazing how a simple speculation concerning the ethnicity of Antichrist received such wide media exposure when the much larger story concerning Falwell's secret alliance with the cult leader Sun Myung Moon received almost no public scrutiny. The church of Jesus Christ continues in their ostrich like ways and does not demand any accountability of the idol shepherds that continue to scratch their itching ears. In 1994, Jerry Falwell secretly accepted $3.5 million dollars from the Women's Federation for World Peace. In an apparent attempt to cover the movement of the funds, the WFWP, which is controlled by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, moved the slush fund into a non-profit foundation called The Christian Heritage Foundation. The CHF holds the notes on the debt for Falwell's Liberty University - which was floundering financially at the time. In January, 1994, shortly before the big "gift" was given to the Christian Heritage Foundation (CHF), Falwell went to South Korea with Dan Reber of the CHF and a man named Ron Godwin to meet with the notorious cultist and ask for money. Godwin, by the way, was the Executive Director of the Falwell organization the Moral Majority before he accepted a Vice Presidency at the Washington Times - which is owned by the Reverend Moon. The Los Angeles Times put an investigative reporter on the trail of Falwell and confirmed that Falwell received the Moon money via the Christian Heritage Foundation. Obviously, they sought to obscure the trail of the funds. But the Falwell/Moon connection doesn't stop there. Cornerstone Magazine has reported that two years later, News World Communications, the parent company of the Moon controlled Washington Times, loaned Falwell $400,000 at a very favorable rate of interest. For those that are unaware of the Reverend Moon, he has repeatedly stated that he is greater than Jesus Christ. Moon says that Christ's mission was a failure because he left no children - but not to worry: God sent us the new Messiah in Korean form! Moon claims that his children are the spirit children that Christ was supposed to sire and they will rule the world under his auspices. Moon claims that in the grand scheme of things, Jesus wasn't even second best to Moon's "divine parenthood." Most simply don't want to know these facts about big Jerry, or they continue to attack those that tell the truth about the great apostasy. The truth is, the Reverend Jerry Falwell, like most state sanctioned ministries working in lockstep with the New World Order beast, are simply cheap pretenders that continue to enrich themselves as they drag large numbers of tares to their ultimate reckoning at the lake of fire. 2002-2012 CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED See Also Lying In Laodicea: Rapturism Unmasked The Rapture Cult: Dishonesty In Dispenstionalism Invisible Scripture