Cecil DuCille |
In the case of Cecil DuCille, we have just another error-ridden preacher whose prophetic statements never should have been publicized in the first place. For those who missed this particular installment of the Q-Files program on the reprobate radio network known as the Genesis Communications Network, Cecil DuCille categorically prophesied that America would be decimated with a nuclear strike on Saturday, March 30, 2002-2012. He further stated that, "Jesus came into my room. He talked to me everyday as a man coming into my room. He talked to me for 7 months...On the 16th of June in the year 2001...I heard a voice say to me...there will be blood and fire on the earth. I knew in my heart that this was the massacre that God was talking about. I just counted the time and it turned out to be the 30th of March of this year." [Cecil DuCille, Q-Files Radio Program, 3/26/02] In this broadcast, Steve Quayle continually restated DuCille's claim in a fashion that indicated that he considered the prophet's message to be a valid one. For instance, regarding Mr. DuCille, Quayle stated that, "God is telling him that stuff is going to happen this weekend...God shared with him that 200 days from September 11th [March 30th] there would be blood and there would be fire...Cecil's got a fabulous message...God told you to come to America to warn Americans of the destruction that was coming." [Steve Quayle, Q-Files Radio Program, 3/26/02] D uring the broadcast, DuCille's pronouncements repeatedly contradicted his own previous statements and unfortunately Quayle never sought to point out the inconsistencies. For example, DuCille claimed "We entered into the tribulation long ago."A few minutes later, he contradicted that statement and said "The 1st part of the tribulation, which is a 3½ year part, we are about entering into that now." Obviously, if the tribulation started "long ago," how can it be just about to start? DuCille continued with his message of confusion unabated. He claimed, "God showed me the tribulation was 40 year...The 40 years have been shortened to 38 yrs and the end of the tribulation shall be in 2008." This would mean the tribulation started in 1970 - but the false prophet offered absolutely no scripture to support such a statement. When checking on the theology of Cecil Ducille, this writer went to DuCille's website, and I found numerous statements that plainly indicate the man's doctrine is riddled with unscriptural errors. For example, in a writing called "The Seals Of God," DuCille states that the 7 seals of Revelation are "the seven mysteries of God." He says the first "mystery is Salvation" while "the second mystery is baptism", the third mystery is walking in union with Jesus Christ. That is, 'the candlestick walk,'...the fourth mystery is feasting upon Christ, the fifth mystery is the offering of the soul...the sixth mystery is the overshadowing of God...the seventh mystery is the 'man child.' Those, in a nutshell, are the seven seals." [Revelation Part 1, Cecil DuCille] The fact is, this interpretation is virtually incoherent, for the text plainly tells us the first four seals are synonymous with the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, and by the time we reach the 4th horseman, "power was given unto them [Death and Hell] over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." - Revelation 6:8. This is obviously a description of tribulational events, yet Ducille calls this horrifying episode "feasting upon Christ." Later in the same writing, Cecil DuCille contradicts his own previous statements and then proclaims that "The first seal is the coming of Jesus Christ." He's apparently referring to the first coming of Christ for he then seeks to match the seals to past history. It is simply incredible to identify the first horseman of the four horsemen as Jesus Christ for the Bible writes concerning that first white horse that "...he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer..." - Revelation 6:1. Well, we all know what a militaristic conqueror Christ was. Obviously, I'm being sarcastic, but it's difficult not to be cynical where false prophets like this are concerned. As I searched DuCille's website, I also found Ducille's ministry quoting favorably concerning William Branham - the infamous false prophet of the 1950's and 60's. In another portion of DuCille's book, he tells us that in Revelation when John saw "a Great Star" fall from heaven, that this tells us that in the last days a high ranking Christian leader will fall from grace! DuCille shows a similar lack of spiritual understanding when he tells us that in Revelation 8 where a third of the day is removed and the days are "shortened" this actually means a third of the chruch will be darkened. For those unaware of the late William Branham (1909-1965), he also claimed to have a prophecy of the 7 seals - and visitations from Jesus. Branham proclaimed himself to be the angel of Revelation 3:14 and 10:7. He prophesied the word of God was given in 3 forms - the Zodiac, the Egyptian pyramids, and the written scripture. Branham denied the trinity - teaching the 'Jesus Only' brand of Pentecostalism, and taught that Eve had sex with the snake in the garden - the so-called "serpent seed" doctrine. It gets worse, but I think you've got the idea. Elements of the prosperity doctrine that is taught by frauds like Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin are related to these heresies - the latter being a well known reprobate that emulates the teachings of William Branham. On Cecil DuCille's website, I found the following statement: "There was never a man...that was a man like William Branham. He had a calling and an anointing...the man had an anointing from God. HE WAS ANOINTED like no man that I know in the generation in which he lived or the time since." [Burt Asbill, The Nature Of The Beast, 8/8/99] Cecil DuCille has a book entitled Omega Message. With the information we're aware of concerning his twisted doctrine, it is apparent the book is filled with more inconsistent prophetic statements. As of this writing, it is apparent that Cecil DuCille's prophecy of America's destruction on March 30th has failed. While we do not follow the traditional description of what constitutes a false prophet, the written and broadcast statements of Cecil DuCille indicate that he propagates a different version of the Gospel - in other words, his savior sounds quite a bit like "another Jesus." While the man has a powerful presence, his prophetic perspective is in serious error. We also believe that America is scheduled for a devastating punishment in the immediate future. However, the underlying doctrine that supports that perspective is what is crucial in the matter. We don't label DuCille a false prophet because his prophecy failed; indeed, we believe it will actually come to pass at some point in the near future. The problem is one of perspective. There are many gospels out there, and the gospel of Cecil DuCille is not the one we find in scripture. The portrait we see of Mr. DuCille is that of a man that is deceived. The Word of God is cogent and coherent with the Lord's description of men like this that have refused to repent of their wickedness. The Holy Spirit states "They profess that they know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate..." (Titus 1:16). ©2002-2012 CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED See Also |