As this writer knows how facts can be twisted in order to seek to discredit a ministry leader, I've learned to look at motives on the part of those who would expose what are ostensibly false prophets. Usually, the most vehement attacks come from people from the target figure's past, and they are frequently so bitter at some perceived wrong that the data they present cannot be trusted. Worse yet, the Spirit that lurks behind such heresy hunters seeks to draw in new converts to entangle others in their infernal antagonism. In this regard, I have no particular axe to grind with Deckard as I have never met the man --- but I recognize the spirit within him. The primary motivation for producing the present work is to combat the false doctrines Deckard espouses, and the best way to do that is to focus on the truth of the Gospel – periodically noting how Deckard's Jewish Supremacism manipulates that truth for his own agenda. Back in the 1980's, Tom Deckard was a pastor of a church in Illinois, which he founded with then wife Kay. Several satellite churches were developed in adjacent states, as well as overseas outreaches. Multiple non-profit corporations were formed, and Deckard showed a keen interest in overseas work, with a stint in a Barbados mission in 1995 – where Deckard kept an apartment. He expanded into the Philippines, India, Africa, and South America, all the while fund raising in the states to support these projects. In the case of an orphanage outreach in Africa, although Deckard's congregation pledged $4,500 per month to sustain the project, an investigation later showed only about $500 of it reached Africa each month. In what has become almost a tiresome rerun, whenever there are fiscal irregularities, we've all come to expect something sexual as well; so it's hardly a surprise that by the mid 1990's, rumours swirled suggesting Tom was taking more than money from the females in his flock. As Deckard's downward spiral progressed, he began to transform his doctrine into what is usually called a Hebrew Roots orientation – so named because the emphasis becomes conformity to the Old Testament law, and all things Jewish. By 1998, the rumours of sexual misconduct continued, but Deckard evaded any reckoning, even as he emphasized the works oriented apostasy inherent in the legalism of the oxymoron that is Messianic Judaism. By 1998, his church was fully Sabbatarian and Torah Observant – which is a nice way of saying they had left the liberty of Christ, and gone hook, line, and yarmulke into legalism. Deckard dumped the pastor label, and became a Rabbi – as the church became a synagogue; however Jesus was supposedly still in there somewhere, even though now He was only referred to Yeshua (or Yehoshua, or Y'shua, ad infinitum). All the while, "Prophet Tom" was promising some of the more attractive ladies in the fellowship that they would receive the "reward of a prophet" if they would just get naked with him. Ultimately, about 20 women were involved, and Deckard's wife of 33 years threw the rodent out of their home after receiving incontrovertible proof – apparently on video. The congregation also ejected him, but not before a Swaggartian, teary-eyed confession before the assembled church-synagogue – a tawdry event in which the "prophet" blamed his "frigid" wife. After Deckard's whole deal went down in flames in 2000, we find him resurfacing with the Cradle of Hope corporate entity in 2005 and 2006. At this point, Decker linked up with Stan Johnson and the Prophecy Club – the Kansas based radio and speaking tour group with a lengthy record of promoting charismatic prophetic speakers who invariably seem to go bad. Thus, Deckard followed in the illustrious Prophecy Club footsteps of "Professor" Tom Mack, who raped his longtime sponsor, Christian newspaper publisher Joanne Reeves, as well as Tom Van Asperen, whose tour was highlighted by Van Asperen's comparison of the temple of God with the architecture of the female genitalia. With such stellar sexual degenerates preceding him, Deckard must have felt he had finally found a home at the Prophecy Club (for more on the PC, see the Christian Media work The Postasy Club. Stan Johnson (who goes by the moniker of "Apostle" Stan Johnson these days), and another Messianic ministry called Messiah's Branch run by Pastor Dan Catlin continued to defend Deckard on theological grounds, as they preach a similar Hebrew Roots-Jewish Supremacist doctrine centered on the primacy of the Jewish people in God's plan. (For a detailed analyses of the WAR Beast (World Antichrist Religion) system which seeks to enthrone the nation of Israel as a "covenant nation" interacting with the rest of the world, see the Christian Media book The Two House Twist, as well as The Little Horn DVD on the same subject in the online catalog at ChristianMediaNetwork.com). As Deckard's "ministry" was repositioned to capitalize on the burgeoning Hebrew Roots movement, with Deckard remarried to a woman from his earlier church, the profligate prophet really began to accentuate the mantle of "Jewish" prophet. With the Prophecy Club helping him to re-invent himself on a national level, his re-launched ministry grew. After intensely promoting Deckard for years (including the production and sale of videos and CD's of Deckard presentations and interviews), somewhere along the way, the Prophecy Club and Messiah's Branch (whose radio show The Prophecy Hour repeatedly featured Deckard) seem to have stepped back a bit from defending the "prophet." Don't count on either to tell the world the truth about the Jewish Supremacist doctrine, or even Deckard's Demonics. Most of the criticism of Deckard these days is related to his autocratic style of emotionally manipulating his flock, when he should be scrupulously avoided on doctrinal grounds. Few recognize how false doctrine (especially end time's prophecy oriented false doctrine) can destroy people's lives. No one just gets up one morning and spontaneously decides to join a cult, such things creep up on you. In the case of Tom Deckard, some are becoming increasingly concerned over clearly cultic traits of insulation, in which members of Deckard's flock cut off all ties with family members. As Deckard's present ministry, Cradle Of Hope, Inc, is a government licensed, incorporated, IRS approved non-profit (with a conventional church building), many fail to realize the Spiritual danger of failing to intensely (and repeatedly) seek the LORD on all doctrinal issues, and that quest should be made between you and God privately, with a Bible in your hands. See the Bereans for details. Predictably, Deckard's autocratic presentations have ruffled many feathers, to say nothing of his ubiquitous moral failures; however, the other gospel found in his version of "Hebrew Roots" can land your soul in hell, so that's the most serious matter at hand. One of the problems with cultic groups, such as Tom Deckard's ministry, is they are periodically on target with their predictions and political assessments. Deckard sees America being severely judged, but you don't have to be Elijah to see this nation being brought to her knees – all that's needed is a bit of discernment and a Holy Bible. Few have gone to the trouble to actually analyze this False Prophet's doctrine, but make no mistake – Tom Deckard is bad to the bone. An analysis of his recorded teachings show he is relying upon the Old Testament when the Scriptures clearly state if you count on any part of the law, you'll be judged by all of it. A prolific liar, he has frequently claimed to have made accurate predictions when the record shows nothing of the kind. He claims to have healed a man of AIDS, when the man in question actually died at the time he was supposedly healed. In one recorded sermon, Deckard says he couldn't raise the dead because angels told him that was their job, not his – a thoroughly unscriptural premise. Predictably, Tom Deckard seeks to remove the Apostle Paul's Apostolic authority from the New Testament because, as other Jewish Supremacists have learned, it is primarily Paul's letters which refute Deckard's fraudulent Hebrew Roots doctrine. Clearly devolving into a dangerous cult leader, Deckard has actually claimed that he has "cursed" people who opposed him, and they supposedly died: "And furthermore, God has given me the authority to go and stomp on their grave!" Someone died all right, but it was a middle aged woman who recently walked out of one of Deckard's services, and she was found later frozen to death in a nearby creek. How she got there, and what really happened to her is still a mystery. Recently, the megalomaniac has alarmed family members of those caught in his web of deceit as he is now in the process of moving his core constituency to a remote island outside of the United States – but only those who have ponied up a $5,000 registration get to go. Although there is no indication he'll name it Deckardtown, and start cooking the cool-aid, several families are already residing in a tropical remote settlement in the British Protectorate known as the Caicos islands in the Caribbean. There is much more, but the reader gets the basic idea. In conclusion, Christian Media would recommend to all who are considering just what to do in the tumultuous days which have found us, joining up with "prophet" Tom Deckard is probably not your best plan.
-- James Lloyd
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