Tehran Reportedly Incesed Over Saudi-Bahraini Counter-Revolution Moves
The Bahraini monarch has been unable to deal with the domestic discord from the beginning of the present Arab uprising, and called in Saudi help very early in the domestic discord directed against his throne. As the word slowly leaked out concerning how Bahrain has now become a de facto state under the protection of the much larger house of Saud, the Iranian expectations of a revolution which would bring Bahrain into their orbit have been dashed. As the details of the shift remain murky, observers say the deal makes the tiny Bahraini principality the equivalent of a new province of Saudi Arabia -- a nation presently comprised of 13 provinces. Each of the Arabian provinces are ruled by a Saudi prince from the royal house, but the Bahraini provincial protectorate will remain under the leadership of King Hamas, who will reportedly be on a par with the other princes of the kingdom. The Iranian surrogate Hezbollah has been implicated as provocateurs in Bahraini dissent, and with this move, the much larger (and well armed Saudis) are moving closer to a confrontation with Tehran. Editor's Note: The background of the coming collision is fascinating as we realize the Sunni minority, headed by the al Khalifa royal family ruling in Bahrain, is opposed by the Shiite uprising -- the same religious branch of Islam which rules in Iran. The present Iraqi power structure is also Shiite, whereas Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and other Gulf Emirates are controlled by Sunnis. It has long been established that Riyadh is willing to cooperate with Israel in opposing Iran, which tells the astute observer the Sunni power structures fear the Shias in Tehran more than the Jews of Tel Aviv. The counter-moves being made in Bahrain may very well portend a fiery collision which will pit Arabia against Iran -- and it is more than evident which side Israel and the US will take. While Barry and the usurpers in the White House will try to hold a meeting and dialogue on the subject when open war breaks out between Sunni and Shiite states, Israel will undoubtedly be far more decisive. For more on the alignment of nations in the coming conflagration with Iran, see the video on AMERICAN MAGOG. |