North Carolina Introduces Law To Criminalize Alternative Health Practitioners
Observers suspect that physicians and big pharma are "feeling the pinch" as more and more people have taken their health care into their own hands. The legislation would make it a felony for Naturopaths, Herbalists, Aromatherapists, and a variety of other alternative healing practitioners to continue in a professional fashion. With this proposed legislation, scheduled for debate on Tuesday April 5th, 2011, the state seeks to continue the brazen violation of common decency, and individual freedoms guaranteed under the natural laws of God -- to say nothing of the Bill of Rights. Although legal observers expect this Hitlerian grab at power, introduced on behalf of the criminal insiders club known as mainstream medicine, will be challenged in court if it succeeds. However, the fact is, the wicked leaders of the state of North Carolina have now plainly demonstrated their complete contempt for their own citizen's basic freedoms, as they bow the knee to the Medical Baal of mainstream medicine. Meanwhile, the crony-inhabited churches in North Carolina continue in silence, afraid to risk their non-prophet tax status if they speak up on the political tyranny that is chewing on their constituents. Like a broken record, the religious whores continue to tell their stupid slaves to obey the beast, for God wants them to honour Caesar with their obedience. It never occurs to one of these imbeciles the early Christians were murdered by Caesar because they refused to obey his evil dictates. This particular incarnation of "Caesar" speaks with a Southern accent, and apparently, he now lives in North Carolina. Obey him at the risk of your soul. For more on the Satanic, multi-generational plan to seize legal power over the health care of the entire world, see the video on VENOMOUS INTENT: The Plot To Control World Health Care. |