Iranian warships coming to Mediterranean and Red Seas |
It is a rapid response to the arrival of the USS Enterprise carrier with a strike group carrying 6,000 sailors and marines and 80 warplanes in the Mediterranean at the end of last week on its way to the Arabian Sea opposite Iran. British ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair's call on the West to stop apologizing and react to Iran with force was not lost on the rulers of the Islamic Republic. The Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari spoke of three or four vessels including Iran's first home-made destroyer, Jamaran, with back-up operational units standing by for urgent support missions. His deputy, Rear-Admiral Gholam Reza Bi-Gham said the deployment would last about a year and at some future time, long-distance submarines would join the fleet. Iran recently purchased three Kilo class submarines from Russia and is using them in the Persian Gulf. For two years, Iranian military shipyards have been building miniature submarines, war ships and fast assault craft. Most Western naval give them low ratings in performance especially in view of their outdated electronics. However, if deployed in support of the warships assigned to the Mediterranean and Red Seas, those mini-submarines and assault craft could be extremely troublesome and give plenty of headaches to American, Israel and Egyptian naval commanders Editor's Note: It is self evident that Iran is positioning their naval forces for an all out war with Israel, and they clearly recognize they will be in combat with American and European naval forces in the region. These forces presently include the Israeli and Egyptian assets mentioned in the above news, but also include the French and German military which is positioned nearby due to the Iranian modeled revolution which just occurred in Tunisia. Although military analysts rank these "mini subs" as antiquated, perhaps this would be a good time to remind the world of the tactical mindset of the Iranian military. During the 8 year long war with Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Iran commonly utilized suicide bombers, promised a place in Allah's heaven, to destroy multi-million dollar hardware such as tanks and artillery emplacements. It's hardly implausible to think these Iranian manufactured mini subs don't need the expensive electronics required to be state of the art, as Iran has plenty of martyrs to field suicide missions. Furthermore, If a suicide bomber is willing to die to kill 200 of the enemy with conventional explosives, why not kill 2 million with a nuclear device -- the very capability that is stirring the conflict in the first place. The fact is, all these steps have been thought out and planned for a very long time, and the fact that it is prophesied that Iran will lose this conflict is little solace, for in the process, the prophets also tell of a great world power that will receive a "deadly wound" -- an event that will very likely occur before the year is out. For more on what is about to occur, see the short video on The Armageddon Script. |