Nuclear Talks In Istanbul End in Impasse With No New Date |
At one point, Ashton physically blocked the exit of the conference chamber to prevent the Iranian delegate from walking out. He finally agreed to stay another day in response to her pleas but refused to change his position. Western diplomats used very undiplomatic language to describe how "very angry and frustrated" they were with Iran's attitude to yet another US-led bid to solve the nuclear controversy with Iran by diplomacy and dialogue . . . In London, Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair issued the strongest call yet from any Western statesman to take the gloves off with Iran. "I say this to you with all of the passion I possibly can – at some point the West has to get out of what I think is a wretched policy or posture of apology for believing that we are causing what the Iranians are doing, or what these extremists are doing," he said. "We are not. The fact is they are doing it because they disagree fundamentally with our way of life and they'll carry on doing it unless they are met by the requisite determination and if necessary, force." ... Editor's Note: There was never any chance that Iran would respond to the latest diplomatic measures initiated by the powers of the WAR Beast, but the process was undertaken as a stage show for the observers, notably the host country of Turkey. The decision was made long ago to generate a blood sacrifice in order to usher in the New Order, and the Spirit behind Islam was selected to play the role. The only question has been which vessels would take up the task of being what could colloquially called the "Lee Harvey Oswald" of nations (wonder who gets to play Jack Ruby?). In this huge drama, the triad of Iran, Syria, and Lebanon have been selected, and they will be uprooted. It's just another version of a centrally planned version of Order Ab Chaos, i.e. generate the circumstance of chaos (read war) then offer the world the solution. Because so few people have Spiritual discernment, the majority have no ability to fully appreciate the conspiracy has a Spiritual root, thus even those who recognize the foul play of the national powers tend to scapegoat the various villains, and never really grasp what we are wrestling against. Tehran did it, the Vatican did it, Tel Aviv is the culprit, etc is the cry of the day. As long as people continue to apply physical reasoning processes to the world dilemma, they will continue to fall deeper and deeper into the Strong Delusion. Only by recognizing the true enemy are we in any position to offer a viable resistance. The governments of the world are evil. The churches are evil. The Mosques and Synagogues are evil. There is none good (Luke 18:19), except the true LORD, and the path the world is on is locked down. The only escape is to look inward, but the truth is required, and not just any "truth," but the genuine article (John 14:6). For more on our predicament, see the article The Image, The Beast, And The Dragon. |