The Holy Covenant |
The context of this usage in Daniel tells us that when the King of the North returns from his military action against the King of the South, he will have generated a vast amount of money, and the text tells us "...his heart shall be against the holy covenant..." (Daniel 11:289). Because this verse is plainly linked to the King of the North, and it is clear from our lengthy study of the same that this Northern leader is United States President George Bush, the identification seems dubious to many. This is because so many American church-goers have been deceived by this man's true nature, and they simply cannot understand how a man they consider to be a born again Christian could be against the nation of Israel and the Jews. Nevertheless, this verse does indeed apply to George W Bush.The identification is problematic because of two key assumptions -- both of which are false. First, the "Holy Covenant" spoken of in the prophecy does not directly relate to Israel, or the Jewish people. Second, George Bush is not a Christian by any stretch of the imagination.Therefore, the first obstacle to gaining an unhampered perspective of this verse is in defining the "Holy Covenant" that this man's "heart" is said to be against. Once we've come to understand the truth of the "Holy Covenant," the question of George Bush's relationship to Christ will be self evident.The fact is, this entire subject sheds a great deal of light on what has gone wrong in the church, for the simple reason that so called "Christians" don't even know what the "holy covenant" is -- a sad state of affairs indeed. This issue also goes directly to the primary issue of salvation, for if a person is unaware of the covenant that saves, how can they be saved by it?The problem is, huge numbers of "Christians" have been taught the faulty Judaeo-Christian version of the Gospel, and as a result, they are completely ignorant of the fact that the covenant between God and Israel is exclusively in Christ. Thus, the idea of being against the covenant is widely taught to mean this person is against the Jews - when, in fact, it actually relates to the Christians.For example, at the time of this writing, George Bush�s America is seriously considering federal hate speech legislation, aggressively pushed by Jewish interests such as the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), that would make it a crime to publicly state the truth about Israel�s complicity in the malevolent conspiracy to rule the world from Jerusalem. In fact, it's likely that this very article would be considered hate speech, and therefore, a crime under the new legislation.The effort is primarily aimed at Christians, and Jewish power centers as wide ranging as Hollywood liberal to the homosexual lobby, are practically salivating over the legislation. In short, Jewish power in America is about to gain the political and legal power needed to, once and for all, crush the true Christian elements in our society.The truth of the covenant is actually relatively simple. God told Abraham he would be the father of many nations, and that all the nations of the world would be blessed by his "seed." The LORD went on to say that the various promises and covenants, including His gift of the land, were specifically designated to be bestowed upon the "seed" of Abraham. Rapture Cultists will all tell you the land in the Middle East, and the promises to this "seed" are irrevocable, and they apply to the Jews, even though the Jews still reject Christ. They love to cite "I will bless them that bless thee..." (Genesis 12:3). The problem with this false assumption is, after the cross of Jesus, the Jews are no longer the "Israel of God" (Galatians 6:16). When Jesus Christ arrived to "confirm the covenant" (Daniel 9:27) with Israel, part of His teaching flatly indicated that the Jews were no longer the "seed" of Abraham -- for in Him were all the promises fulfilled. Galatians tells us "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ" (Galatians 3:16). This is very straightforward, and it means that God will bless the world through His seed, which is Christ. Thus, the seed of Abraham is not the Jews, but it is Jesus Himself. Therefore, if you're not in Christ, you're not the seed of Abraham, and every Rapture Cultist in the world that continues to propagate the lie that the Jews are the chosen people (i.e. the seed of Abraham and the recipient of the promise) are liars. And, as the New Testament queries, "who is a liar?....He is antichrist" (I John 2:22). The Holy Covenant is the covenant between God and Israel, it is exclusively in Christ, and when one avails themselves of the requirements of that covenant (i.e. "ye must be born again"), that person partakes of the "commonwealth of Israel, and...the covenants of promise" (Ephesians 2:13). Galatians further elaborates on that promise when Paul writes "the children of the promise are counted for the seed" (Romans 9:8). What seed? The seed of Abraham. Thus, the "Holy Covenant" in Daniel is directly related to "the covenants of promise" in Ephesians, and the covenant that was confirmed in Christ to Israel when He said "For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins" (Romans 11:27). October 6 2005 -- James Lloyd Copyright © 2005, 2008 Christian Media Network See Also |