America In Mourning |
Indeed, unconfirmed reports say potential candidates are sending in photos of themselves via cell phones at a sharply escalating rate, but unfortunately, it looks as though none are quite disgusting enough to be considered seriously. Rumors abound on the beltway that a search committee has been formed by former President Bill Clinton, who has already appointed several nice young interns to assist his efforts. There was a glimmer of hope when we heard that a couple of defrocked state governors expressed an interest. New Jersey's James McGreevey (who was caught having sex with a man assigned to him from Homeland Security), and Oregon's ex governor Neil Goldschmidt (who had sex with his 14 year baby sitter), both expressed an interest in Weiner's seat, as they've been unemployed since their sex scandals. Unfortunately, it turns out there are these unfortunate residency requirements as the candidate needs to reside in the right place. In fact, the most promising candidates come from some remote foreign land called Gommorha but, as non-citizens and non-residents of Weiner's district, are ineligible. Undaunted by such obstacles, we've heard a White House task force is looking into ways a non-citizen/resident could be quietly moved into the Democratic candidacy through some sort of forged documents. However, the prognosis is poor. There is a distinct possibility we might be forced to suffer through a full term of a boring, God-fearing, American citizen, who espouses those old fashioned values of God and country. No wonder the nation is in mourning. For a glimpse into just how far America is prophesied to descend at the end of the age, see the video on the book BLOOD BEAST OF BABYLON. |