Scattering Abroad
"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." (Matthew 12:30) In the epic explosion of Internet activity surrounding "Christian" newsgroups, email newsletters, and evangelically minded net activity of every stripe, we are seeing a virtual Tower of Babel with conflicting doctrines, hidden agendas, and the occasional intentional deceit. In the majority of cases, what we at GEO call "Eblasters," mean well, but they are widely ignorant of the fact they are routinely sending out information that is seriously tainted. In short, the majority of those who are seeking to help are actually doing great damage to the kingdom. This situation is vaguely reminiscent of the storyline of a movie some years ago called Children Of A Lesser God. In the film, missionaries are working with a remote indigenous tribe to tell them about Jesus, and they've translated the Scriptures and Christ's name into the local dialect -- but can't understand why the aboriginal people group are so horrified every time they're told about the LORD. After years of living among them, they find they've made a tragic translational error, and the name they used for Jesus turns out to be identical to the tribe's historic term for their version of the Devil. In short, although their intent was good, they spent years of their lives teaching an entire culture Jesus is the Devil. Similarly, in the silicon jungle of the net, a huge number of believers are doing the same thing. In a significant number of cases, believers in Christianity, recently awakened out of their lifetime of slumber (and frequently alarmed at the rapid descent into the demonic in America), sign on to support and propagate a Gospel that is actually part of the problem. Unfortunately, in their haste to sound the alarm as they've suddenly realized the prophesied end of the age is upon us, they haven't taken the time to do their own homework. In many cases, these alarmists are forwarding material that is indeed newsworthy -- i.e. the government did this, or the looming ecological holocaust indicated that -- however, the conclusion offered by the source they're citing usually moves the reader right back into the corner the so-called "church" painted themselves into so many years ago. Many Patriots are beginning to understand the leftist paradigm is only flourishing in order to drive us into the arms of the right wing -- which is just another dance with the Devil in a different costume. This Dialectical trap is also occurring in the realm of religion. In short, raising up one bad religion to force us into fellowship with its Dialectical opposite is the wrong answer. Few stop to think that Christ warned us about this very circumstance when He stated there was a gigantic snare that would occur at the time of the end, and it would creep up so unexpectedly that it would capture the entire world: "For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." (Luke 21;35) To those would-be helpers of the Gospel, the Scriptures say that God will hold those who lead to a higher level of accountability. To those of you non-Christians who have ventured to read this far, if you've been disillusioned with what you've seen in the name of Christ, understand the plan to discredit the truth was engineered long ago, and those who are leading the way are mostly blind guides -- so it's still not too late for you to come to the knowledge of the truth. You won't find Him in the churches, nor on "Christian" TV, but He is indeed the true LORD, and on the last day, we will see there are a huge number of people who think they're saved who are not. We would emphatically urge every person reading these words to take a very close look at the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You don't need to go anywhere, or sign up for anything. Just get a Bible, and start in the New Testament. If you don't have one, we'll give you one -- no strings attached. Do it NOW, while you still can. For more on the Snare which was prophesied to overcome the entire world at the end of days, see the online video THE SNARE. |