Mormon Prophecy Says Religion Will Save The American Constitution
Few truly understand the media revolution that is occurring, but obviously Mr. Beck is a master at perceiving, and then manipulating the public's sentiments. Few can anticipate the impact we could see when Glen Beck's new television network is launched. Media very critical to every shift in the public mind, and Beck is positioning himself to become even more powerful than he already is. Considering the fact that we have repeatedly predicted that when the cultural and political pendulum swings back to the right, after the leftist disaster we've endured in recent times, the next wave of radical conservative change could be downright astonishing. It could also get downright nasty. The unchurched fail to recognize the true scope of the Mormon power, and how deeply ingrained religion is in the American soul. Christians know that during ancient times, Joseph, the lost son of Israel, was stranded in Egypt where he rose to unprecedented power. Supernaturally warned of a great tribulation to come, Joseph's provisions became the key to the survival of the family of Israel, who found themselves sheltered under the powerful wings of Egypt. In this account, seen in the book of Genesis, Joseph's two Egyptian born sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, subsequently received the reins of leadership of the tribes of Israel. Although Mormonism has a downright bizarre theology that runs counter to primary Biblical precepts, their people have been taught they are descendants of Ephraim for over a century. The Latter Day Saint system (LDS) speaks of an alleged lost tribe which came to America long ago, and their story was propagated in the 19th century by a man named Joseph, who shepherded the fledgling group through a difficult birth of the sect. This places the Mormon legend in a position to claim Joseph in America was recreating the ancient Egyptian cycle, where the original Joseph wandered far from his Hebrew roots, only to be positioned in a distant land in order to save his people years later. The similarity is so uncanny that a discerning observer will recognize a supernatural engineering in the way that Mormonism developed. This is not to say the religion is in accord with Christianity, or in tune with the true LORD of glory in any way, for it is not. However, Mormonism's difficult beginnings inculcated a serious reliance on stored food, preparedness, and good works -- all things which exhibit good, common sense. Conversely, mainstream and evangelical Christians have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the stupidity of the Rapture Cult. In doing so, they have also recapitulated the ancient Egyptian naiveté in their progressive reliance upon the government. Thus, when America is crippled by the imminent judgment of God, just as ancient Egypt was, a huge shift in power will occur. Vast numbers of Christians will die because they've been taught preparedness exhibits a lack of faith -- even as a disproportionate number of Mormons will survive the forthcoming holocaust. Simultaneous with the depraved deterioration in the American political and cultural landscape, Messianic Jewish theorists (Jews who believe in Jesus, but usually call Him by the decidedly Jewish name Yeshua), have engineered a new theological system, which seeks to unite the so called "lost tribes" of Israel with the Jews in the contemporary political state. By redefining the tribes of Israel as the progenitors of the European and North American Christians (and including all decidedly unorthodox sects such as the Mormons), Israel is about to be positioned to rule the entire world. To a legalistic member of the so-called "chosen people," seeking to re-assume what they consider to be their rightful primacy, a Mormon looks just as pagan as a Roman Catholic. Messianic Jews, as part of a broad move to get back to the Bible's "Hebrew Roots," broadly view all forms of Christianity as leavened versions of the Gospel. Thus, such Jewish believers, presenting a very legalistic, Old Testament observant version of the Gospel, are destined to rise to pre-eminence, and the presently developing alliance with Mormonism is a significant part of the prophetic program. In effect, it's the Old Testament rigidity brought back with a Christian veneer, and the very conservative elements in Mormonism and Messianism are being drawn to it like a moth to the flame. Face it, in times of profound change, life threatening disruption of normal life via catastrophic events, and a soul killing slide into the Sodomocracy America has become, such a structured, predictable conservatism is exceedingly seductive. Revelation describes this swing back to where things were so long ago as the healing of the deadly wound, but believers can't recognize it, because they've been programmed to see Israel as chosen when, in reality, the Israel of our time is Antichrist. Thus, when Christians tell us Israel was saved in the Old Testament, is not saved now, but will be saved in the end times, they are unknowing describing Revelation's formula which states "The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition...." (Revelation 17:7) This makes the so-called "church" the False Prophet, the second beast of Revelation, who looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon: "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." (Revelation 13:11) All of these events only need a catastrophic trigger to set in motion the horrendous times the Bible describes as The Great Tribulation and, unfortunately, the vast majority of believers are immersed in the strongest of delusions. For more on Mormonism as the sleeper cell of Israeli Supremacism, see the online video on THE MORMON CONNECTION. |