Lost Pyramids Will Likely Open The Door TO The Devils
Many in the present generation haven't had the opportunity to realize the enormous scope of a finding such as this, but we would liken it to the cultural impact of a Dead Sea Scrolls discovery, or in the lesser known, but equally important find, seen in the Nag Hammadi library. At least 20 years ago, this writer predicted we would see either a lost chamber found in an existing pyramid, or some similar discovery where we finally stumble upon information which opens up, once and for all, the supposed truth of the ancients. Anybody smell an alien disclosure here? Tactically speaking, there can be no more convincing way to "reveal" the truth of man's alleged early encounters with extraterrestrial species than to have a seemingly spontaneous discovery in some ancient place -- and we don't find very many places as old as a long buried pyramid. In short, this is the stuff of legends. One can only wonder just why it took until 2011 to actually point one of those million dollar babies called satellites towards the Egyptian sands. After all, we've had the kind of pinpoint imaging where big brother can tell you what brand of hot sauce found in the pinprick size stain you got on your shirt at that drive through Taco place -- so how is it we're just now looking for something as big as a pyramid? Methinks there's something fishy here. Further, with Egypt in political paralysis via the present turmoil, no doubt the "alien artifact" laden NSA Officer will be welcome to bring whatever it is with him in a briefcase that he wants to be conveniently found at the scene of the about to be committed archaeo-crime. Many of our readers already know the fix is in, so we could see anything from a photo-shopped birth certificates to staged scandals in which millionaire bankers running for office are conveniently caught in suspiciously timed sexual escapades with average looking maids. It's all part and parcel of the global game of charades which is playing out in our time. Mark my words, we're about to be handed the big lie, and you can count on Skynet pulling the Spiritual wool over our collective eyes. I can hardly wait for the Beast to say we now know our space brothers were here, and the newly discovered Hall of Records tells us they are indeed coming back. And don't forget the punch line, because it's my personal favorite: They're Here To Help Us. For more on the forthcoming alien "disclosure," See the video on UFO's, ANGELS & GODS. |