America As The Restrainer Will Be Taken Out Of The Way
The Rapture Cult, that tiny European group from the mid 19th century that spread through England and exploded with growth in America, put forth the idea this "restrainer" was the Holy Spirit indwelling believers, and that when the so-called "Rapture" happened, the Holy Spirit (as the restrainer) would be removed from the Earth, and evil would dominate. Unfortunately, those in cults rarely escape, and the modern millions ensnared in this fraud have been programmed to deny the late development of the doctrine itself. However, there is an amazing tool available to even cultists, and they're called books. These wonderful devices are so plentiful, there is an entire category called history books, and with thousands of them available thanks to Mr. Guttenberg, many have utilized them and avoided being ensnared in the Rapture Cult. All caustic humor aside, anyone who has actually studied early church history has learned the Rapture nonsense was unheard for about 18 centuries; however, one of the most interesting aspects of studying what was believed is found in the aforementioned view that Rome actually restrained the evil in its day. This is particularly interestng because we have come to the perspective that America is a parallel kingdom to the Roman Empire and, because each of the kingdoms in the Christian era have recapitulated strikingly similar cycles to their ancient counterparts, we are convinced that America is restraining what the Apostle John called The Spirit of Antichrist. The definition of restraint is quite broad, but the key to identifying such things is to ask just what (or who) was being restrained. The book of Acts clearly shows the primary opponent of the truth of the Gospel in the first century was the power of the Jews. There are repetitive accounts which show the Apostles maneuvered within the Roman structure as a defensive posture to escape the Jewish power. The Apostle Paul, for instance, ultimately appealed to Caesar as a last ditch effort to escape being murdered in Jerusalem. Because Rome/Judea was seen in the first timeline doesn't prove the pattern repeats identically. Indeed, if global Islam has any any impediment at all (read restraint), we would have to say it is America. Thus, if America were to "be taken out of the way" (II Thessalonians 2:7), global Islam would be emboldened to ignite the world into a much deeper military crisis than the various wars we're already seeing -- and it's not hard to see who will be attacked. In such an all out conflict, Israel will be compelled to use the deadliest weapons they have, and the world will be plunged into a period usually called the Great Tribulation. This is precisely what is going to occur, but since most of the believers are all tightly packed into that Rapture bus as they figure it's leaving soon, they don't have enough room in there for all those books that could tell them the truth. However, for those who have ears to hear the truth, we'll remind the truly inquiring mind that it is indeed the truth that will set you free. For more on the truth about the prophesied restrainer, and the role of America in Bible Prophecy, see the video on THE PRINCE OF AMERICA. |