Netanyahu Talks Peace, Palestinians Call It |
As Christian Media Daily reported earlier today, the row with Israel comes at a particularly difficult time for Obama, as virtually none of the important Middle Eastern leaders are following his proposals. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt had steadfastly followed Washington's lead, but the Obamabeast quickly threw him to the dogs in the name of "democracy" -- even as American advisors rushed to show the Egyptian army how to maintain power under a democratic facade. Even the formerly friendly Bahraini leader is now very distant, as his hiring of Saudi troops to put down domestic dissent left him on the outs with Washington. There are now 11 Middle Eastern and North African rulers at odds with Obama (Netanyahu is the 12th), and the quartet of rulers directly opposed to the Kenyan born usurper (Qaddaffi of Libya, Assad of Syria, Saleh of Yemen, and now Khalifa of Bahrain) are bound to create huge headaches for American foreign policy. The irony is, of course, Israel. For decades the tiny state has been, essentially, the Jewish tail wagging the American dog. Even without the threat of massive military violence vis a vis Israel versus Islam, the fact that Netanyahu has such enormous clout on both sides of the American political spectrum announces to the world that Israeli power is so deeply entrenched in American political infrastructure that the two nations are sometimes indistinguishable from each other. Spiritually and prophetically speaking, it's a completely differerent story. As a nation which was significantly tilted towards the Christian way of life, America has thrown her lot in with the people who reject the Saviour of the world -- and there will be profound consequences for our collective inability to truly understand the Spiritual dynamics at work. The short version is, this will not end well. As the Little Horn seen in prophecy, Israel is destined to conduct a deadly round of warfare, and the axis of Iran, Syria, and Lebanon will be, in the prophet Daniel's parlance, "uprooted." This will usher in another round of prophetic sequences, and even though the prophets address Israel's role, they also tell us terrible things are coming to America as a direct consequence. Think a deadly wound, as described in Revelation. Those same prophets also speak of preservation, but most "believers" will not see it, because they are unknowingly moving in the wrong Spirit. In short, this would be a very good time to study such things as America's days are numbered, numbered. They're also weighed and divided, but we'll save that one for another day. For more on the future of America in Bible Prophecy, see the video on AMERICAN BABYLON. |