Internet Eblasters Present Potpourri Of Opinions
Unfortunately, many groups and individuals aggressively working the net are peddling a perspective that can have very undesirable consequences. Although most netizens view the diversity of opinions being dispersed as relatively innocuous, the fact that such things actually are opinions, as opposed to the concept of absolute truth, can have everlasting consequences. Furthermore, the fact that most of these sources are sincere, well meaning labours of love, will mean absolutely nothing in the final analysis. For instance, one cluster of writers will constantly push the innate evil found in liberal government, highlighting the current crop of leftist politicos who are destroying the American way of life in our time. Although much of these posts are true, they avoid the central issue of evil -- and those versed in the insidious process known as the Dialectic are aware that sidestepping an issue, or dialoging on a particular aspect of a component found in the Dialectical paradigm, is actually a process that contributes to the basic problem of our collective refusal to deal with the absolute truth. In fact, by emphasizing the "conservative" perspective, such writers frequently contribute to the Dialectical manifestation of this process, through stirring the stew of the liberal versus conservative political argument. Another example is in sectarian religion, for several patriot radio networks (the GEOgram is published by a patriot net) will emphasize the evils of say, Roman Catholicism as a single source scapegoat, when the Protestant perspective is just as diabolical. Add the Jewish versus Islamist brawl, free market versus central control, capitalist/communist conflict, and you haven't even scratched the surface of the subject. We run into many independent eblasters who, in the process of pushing what they think is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, are so woefully ignorant of their own Scriptures, they are indirectly promoting the Antichrist mindset. Indeed, one of the great ironies of our time is the multitude or "Christian" net ministries, who frequently warn people about a prophesied end time's phenomena called the "strong delusion" -- and in their misstatements of the facts, it is self evident they themselves are caught in the very thing they're trying to counter. On the last day, benign stupidity won't work as a valid excuse, so this is definitely a serious subject. The short answer to the problem of finding the absolute and objective truth, is to seek the truth, and be willing to conform your mind, body, and soul to that absolute truth -- no matter how disruptive it is. The Bible speaks of this collective Babel of confusion, which we are seeing in our time: "For this cause God shall send them Strong Delusion that they should believe a lie...because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved." (II Thessalonians 2:11,10) For more on this phenomena, see the short video on STRONGHOLDS AND STUMBLINGBLOCKS. |