CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH - Exposing apostacy and more within the Christian church


UN Security Council Ensures Fiery Furnace Will Erupt

he turmoil and disagreement at the UN over the G4 efforts to be included in a reconfigured Security Council has set the stage for a sharp escalation of the threat of consequences to the inaction. 

Just as Nebuchadnezzar held the threat of a fiery furnace for all that refused to compromise and agree to a unified world order, the hidden cryptocratic powers will respond with further destruction in order to increase the urgency. The reader will recall the King of Babylon constructed a giant image to serve as the focal point of unity. In the modern Tower of Babel known as the United Nations, the alternative to the dialogue to consensus is the fire of factionalism.

As the fragmented general assembly continues the debate, the furnace of international violence is destined to be stoke the heat of the furnace "seven times" hotter (Daniel 3:19) than previously. This is a prophetic simile that plainly demonstrates the world will continue to deteriorate into cataclysmic violence until the collective parties agree to resume the political dialectic in earnest.

Just as the 3 Hebrews were obedient to the true LORD, the true Remnant Of Israel (the genuine Christians that have been obedient to the LORD's call to remove themselves from the Whore of Babylon church) will be preserved through the incendiary acrobatics that lie immediately ahead.


July 13 2005 -- James Lloyd

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See Also

The False Prophet and the Image of the Beast

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