CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH - Exposing apostacy and more within the Christian church


Genetic Death- The Seeds Of Famine Have Already Been Planted

    The astounding rate at which scientific minds have learned to unlock the secrets of creation at the molecular level has profound implications for prophetic interpretation of end time events. At some point in the future, we may realize that genetic research and the manipulation of DNA processes in animal and plant life was the single most significant contribution in bringing about the desolation of planet Earth.

    While the more exotic applications of genetics such as gene-splicing, cloning, and the laboratory cross-breeding that creates unusual creatures frequently grabs the attention of the media, few have noticed the huge ramifications of genetic manipulation on plant life, and the food supply. Of particular concern are several developments among food producers and processors for I believe it is here we will find the primary cause of the devastating FAMINE that is so vividly prophesied in the Bible.

    Many do not realize the degree to which genetically engineered food has already spread in terms of what we are eating today. Consider the following:

  • About 7 years ago, Canadian farmers began growing genetically engineered tomatoes, potatoes, canola, and beans. None of these are labeled as genetically manipulated products.

  • Over half of soybean production, including that produced by American firms, is genetically altered. This is very significant, as soy is a primary protein substitute for meat that is consumed by many vegetarians.

  • Over 10 years ago, an experimental potato gene produced in Oregon was released into the general environment by growers

  • Europe began importing American grown genetic crops over 5 years ago -- corn to France, beets to England, etc.


    Meanwhile, the stories of how so-called "experimental" genetic programs keep escaping has become almost legendary. In addition the infamous killer bee genetic laboratory wherein genetically modified bees escaped into the general bee population, in the past few years, we've had multiple episodes where genetically modified organisms accidentally got into the mainstream crops. The notorious 'corn-chip' episode where modified corn was inadvertently sold to a major corn-chip supplier comes to mind.

    Indeed, just last week (February 6th 2003), 386 pigs that had been genetically engineered "disappeared" and are feared to have mingled with the commercial pig livestock populace. Of course, the authorities insist the public is in no danger. The facts say otherwise.

    People suffering from serious allergies are now at risk from eating foods that do not naturally carry the organic compounds they know they are allergic to. Millions of allergy sufferers gradually learn what foodstuffs their bodies cannot tolerate. This writer, for example, cannot tolerate lactose which is found in most milk products, ice cream, etc. Naturally I avoid those products.

    Brazil nut genes have now been added to certain bean crops, and this unwanted addition is unlabeled. As a result, some bean products have caused serious allergic reactions in people that know they have allergies to nuts, but were unaware of their presence in other foods.

    People that are allergic to fish would not think that tomatoes will hurt them, but the genetic code from flounder is now in many commercially produced tomatoes because researchers have found it helps the tomato to ripen slower thus extending the shelf life and the profits. And there are other examples.


    It has now been demonstrated that in at least one case, engineered genes from an oil producing plant were unexpectedly transmitted to other related crops through pollen proof that genetically engineered food crops can escape from animals, plants and microbes into the wild and spread without controls. Yet, all we hear about are reports that biotechnically engineered food products are safe and promise great improvements to meet the needs of an expanding population.

    Early public outcries critical of manipulation of food biology have been essentially suppressed by the globalist media. In 2002, agribusiness interests vehemently opposed a product labeling bill that had come up for a vote in Oregon. Utilizing fear tactics that the proposed labeling requirements (which would tell the consumer whether or not the food product was genetically engineered) would bankrupt the state, the big food money was able to convince the voters they don't really need to be notified if they're buying experimental food. And the major media is a willing partner in this hideous charade.

    For instance, how many readers have ever heard of Tryptophan? Very few because media coverage was deliberately downplayed due to the commercial sell-out involved in this dreadful tale.

    In 1989, a strange new disease surfaced that caused excruciating muscle pain that often crippled its victims. Biotech experts dubbed the condition eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). It was finally determined that EMS was caused by a readily available food additive known as Tryptophan that had been genetically altered to increase productivity.

    A Japanese firm named Show Denko K.K. apparently rushed a new engineered version of Tryptophan to market that was then placed in various food products. By the time the biologically engineered Tryptophan was identified as the culprit, 37 people died, and 1,500 more were permanently disabled.

    Monsanto, a huge multi-national corporation with heavy investments in biotech, is another example of a commercially greedy group in a position to wreak havoc on humanity. They own Aspartame, the chemical sweetener marketed as Nutra-Sweet.

    In 1985, a National Soft Drink Association document on Aspartame stated that the FDA approval process for Aspartame was unethically manipulated because the applicants "...did the wrong test, used the wrong solution, (and) didn't test for temperature elevation or breakdown products." 1. We now know that during the firm's tests on Nutra-Sweet (Aspartame) before FDA approval, out of 7 monkeys given the "sweetener," one monkey died, and 5 others had devastating seizures. To put it bluntly, they knew Aspartame was poisonous, causes seizures, birth defects, blindness, and other neurological problems, but they masked the approval data and managed to get Nutra-Sweet on the market.

    By 1985, the FDA had reports of 10,000 complaints on Aspartame covering 92 different symptoms including coma, death, and grand mal seizures! After legislation outlawing Aspartame was proposed, the Senate killed the bill. After the National Soft Drink Association manifest on Aspartame showing the firm's foreknowledge of the dangers became public, the government considered prosecuting Monsanto for fraud. Miraculously, one of the US Attorneys involved with the prosecution landed a position with a law firm associated with the Aspartame interests!

    It's worth noting that Monsanto is the firm that created Agent Orange, the dioxin based defoliant used so widely in Vietnam that tens of thousands of American veterans are still suffering from permanent toxic effects.

    According to one researcher, this very same "...Monsanto and other bio-tech companies want to genetically engineer the entire global food supply." 2. The fact is, Monsanto, (and DuPont, Calgene, Ciba-Geigy, etc) already have genetically engineered food products being consumed around the world.


    The worst is yet to come, for a technology announced in 1998 has already infiltrated the global food supply, and the results are going to be catastrophic. Nicknamed the Terminator, this new form of genetic death is the latest refinement of the agricultural process called hybridization.

    Hybrids are when two types of seeds are crossed to produce crops with specific characteristics. Due to the competitive nature of commercial agriculture suppliers, hybridization has long been a staple for many food laboratories and providers. Commercial hybrids frequently produce robust crops, but they do not produce offspring (seeds) of the same caliber which forces the farmer/agriproducer to go back to the "manufacturer" for more seeds each planting season.

    The fact that many third world farmers and small independents have continued to raise their own crops by using the seeds from their previous season's crops has caused the globalists much consternation. Small groups that can grow their own food allows some a degree of independence from the global control of the New World Order.

    The Terminator is designed to stop any degree of food independence. These are seeds that have been genetically altered to be 100% sterile. In other words, once these designs are being widely utilized to produce food, farmers will have to go back to the various companies every season to buy seeds for their next crop, because the Terminator seeds have been engineered to "switch off" their reproductive functions.

    This genetic plan could eventually place total control of all food production out of reach of any independent garden grower who is unable to buy or sell due to political considerations. For thousands of years, anyone with access to a bit of land, some water, and some seeds could attain a self-sufficiency through modest food production. Because GOD engineered a reproductive nature into all agriculture, no money at all was needed to produce food other than the initial investment.

    This sterility process has been dubbed by one knowledgeable observer as "the Neutron Bomb of agriculture." Interestingly, the US Department of Agriculture, the developers of the Terminator, claim they want to "help" third world nations with this technology. The truth is, because significant portions of the global food supply is produced by small independents, the USDA has colluded with the giant multinational agribusinesses to control that share of the market through the encroachment of "terminator" technology.

    Experts fear that these new sterile seeds will spread in unexpected ways through pollination, and other unanticipated ways. According to a recent essay in the authoritative WINDS publication,

"half the world's farmers are too poor to buy commercial seed every year. This percentage feeds 20% of the world's population. That's 100 million in Latin America, 300 million in Africa, and 1 billion in Asia. Not only would half the world's farms face extinction so would 1.4 billion people who are directly fed by them. In light of the human cost, the Terminator was appropriately named." 3.

    Before the advent of genetic engineering was available as a tool for political control, Joseph Stalin tried to centralize all food production with his policy of collectivization. The evil dictator forcibly relocated millions into large centers of agriculture as a method of cutting off independent food production and thus independence from the central control of government. Millions died in the process.

    Ironically, in spite of extremely harsh economic conditions currently prevalent in Russia, it is the ability of families to grow food in small private gardens that has allowed Russian families to survive. A recent newspaper article categorically stated that " post-Soviet Russia, the key to survival is not money. It's farming." 4.

    The Russian Ministry of Agriculture says that 90% of potatoes, 75 % of other vegetables, and 55 % of all meat and poultry in Russia is currently produced on privately cultivated land. With huge sectors of Russian citizens going without paychecks for months, it is this independent food production that is keeping their people alive. According to a June 1998 article from the Associated Press, "...the truth of the matter is that many Russians, from coal miners to nuclear scientists, are also subsistence farmers." 5.

    Apparently the globalists in political leadership in my home state of Oregon as well as California are aware of this potential loophole in their plans, and are moving to ban food production in private gardens. Just this month, Countryside & Small Stock Journal reported that,

"The Salem City Council in Salem, Oregon adopted an ordinance regulating the size of backyard gardens to no more than a few hundred square feet. Citizens may enter a neighbor's property if they think the gardens have violated that size. Think your neighbors can't see over your fence? Satellite surveillance will also be used to detect any law-breakers." 6.

    California is equally wary of anyone having the capability of feeding themselves during the tryrannical globalist grab for complete control of all food resources. They've arranged for "licensing" fees for using seeds, and any home gardners caught using unauthorized seeds in their gardens face fines of $1,000. Commercial nurseries can be fined up to $250,000 for utilizing any seeds that are not on the acceptable list.

    With this degree of political control, the legal apparatus is in place to ban any non-Terminator technology. The simple fact is, the globalists are not only seeking to control all commercial agriculture, they are systematically seeking to stop any "unauthorized" independent food production. Non-hybrid seeds (reproducing seeds) are already getting more and more difficult to locate.

    The Terminator is the primary weapon being used by the agribusiness interests as the malevolent genetic code is gradually spreading into surrounding agriculture.

    In the Old Testament, the Lord declares that a nation can be held responsible when it comes to answering for evil. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God says,

"...when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God." 7.

    Notice how the judgment is on the LAND that has trespassed grievously as opposed to the individual. Of course, the Lord always allows a provision for individual preservation. In this passage, righteousness is the mechanism that provides the deliverance.

    By the way, in the example I mentioned earlier concerning the modern Russian economic calamity, I know next to nothing about the people in the land. I do know that the scourge of communism and the evil militarism of the previous regime has brought their nation to a time of desperate reaping; however, it is worth noting how many individuals are being preserved outside of the Russian branch of the world's beast government. Apparently, initiative, hard work, and a reliance upon the basic agri-formula of "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" 8. still counts for something.

    The Bible clearly states that at the time the Antichrist and the False Prophet ride in on a pale horse, "...power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with HUNGER, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." 9.

    Because the one world beast empire run by the Antichrist is the United Nations, we may look there for indicators of this prophecy of a great famine. After all, political experience tells us that previous dictators have used food as a weapon to control the population. Is there any indication of such a posture at the UN? One needs only look at the many globalist oriented organizations associated with the UN for the answer.

"Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."

    So said the Executive Director of the World Food Program at a 1995 globalist Conference in Beijing China. To put it bluntly, the Antichrist government of the United Nations is already actively working to use hunger as a primary weapon in consolidating power as global government of planet earth.

    A United Nations press announcement carried by CNN a week ago projected that the world population hit 6 billion in June of 1999. One fourth of that figure is 1.5 billion. With hunger listed as one of 4 causes of death in that passage Revelation, we can say with certainty that famine will kill about 375 million people during the Tribulation.

    Because of the history of abundance in America, it's almost inconceivable to most that we will see famine. This is an extremely short-sighted view as America is likely to experience some of the worst of the prophesied hunger. Because our national government is the key architect of the new global order that is engineering such genetic devastation, as a nation we will certainly be held accountable by almighty God.

    The Bible clearly shows that "unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required," 10. and the scriptural principle of reaping what you sow wasn't canceled when Columbus colonized the new world. If you have ears to hear, America IS Babylon, and "...the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich" 11. through that commercial intercourse.

    Revelation says that all the versions of Babylon will burn as "the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her...the merchandise of cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses...." 12.

    In this example, the mechanism of deliverance is apparently related to obedience to God's admonition to his people to remove themselves from the system. The very same passage describing modern Babylon's judgment is where God says to "Come out of her MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." 13.

    This verse doesn't necessarily mean to leave the USA it means to come out and be separate from the system of Babylon. This passage applies equally to the apostate church of the non-prophet 501(c)(3) False Prophet church, the political beast of Babylon (the government), and the economic New World Order of the Beast. In the present case, if you rely on the constructs of the beast to feed yourself, at some point you will find the price is too high. Either you will not be fed, or you will lose your soul in order to be fed. See Revelation 13:17 for details.

    The bottom line concerning the technology of genetic death is that God is once again warning his people. As is his custom, the Lord never brings a judgment without a warning. What happens next is a direct result of your choice. Choose wisely.

February 10, 2003 - James Lloyd

Copyright © 2003 Christian Media Network

See Also

Chupacabras: The Devil's Genetics

Riders Of The Storm: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Contrails: Death Delivered To Your Door


1. Christian Information Associates Newsletter, Vol 3 #5 Feb 1997, page 3

2. Christian Information Associates Newsletter, Vol 3 #4 Jan 1997, page 3

3. WINDS On-Line Magazine, Terminator: Seed Sterilization Prevents Replanting, page 2

4. Even without pay, Russians put food on the table, Medford Mail Tribune, Associated Press article,6/19/98

5. ibid.

6. Countryside & Small Stock Journal Vol. 87, No. 1 Jan./Feb. 2003

7. Ezekiel 14:13, 14

8. Genesis 3:19

9. Revelation 6:8

10. Luke 12:48

11. Revelation 18:3

12. Revelation 18:11, 13

13. Revelation 18:4

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