Escape From Planet Egypt |
We demonstrated how the "experts" have followed the Egyptian historical accounts and used that information to discredit the veracity of the Hebrew account - which we know as the Bible. Because the Egyptian time-line consistently conflicts with the Hebrew time-line, researchers routinely conclude they can trust the Egyptian data, but not the Biblical data. The vehicle that was used to achieve this corruption of data is found in the historical records from ancient Egypt. Archaeologists, linguists, paleontologists, and practically every other form of science associated with antiquarian research has been affected by this corruption of our historical perceptions. The problem is simple: in one era of the Egyptian account, the history would describe a great war, but in the parallel account in the Bible, there was a time of peace. We demonstrated how the Egyptian inscriptions provided multiple names for the various dynastic kings, and these names were placed consecutively in the kings-list when actually only one king was in view. This caused the chronology to be non-synchronized with the Biblical account by approximately the same time period - anywhere from 400 to 700 years. The error has compounded itself because the stature of significant numbers of scholars is now at stake. Thus, when an honest researcher recognizes the problem of the conventional chronology, he or she is "encouraged" to rethink his findings to force them to conform to the long standing error in order to protect vested career interests. To make matters worse, studies of adjacent cultural time-lines such as the Persian, Assyrian, Grecian, and Hittite have all synchronized their historical accounts to conform to the "established" Egyptian time-lines - thus throwing practically all ancient accounts except the Hebrew into a confusing inconsistency. Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1980) discovered the error and in a herculean effort at historical revisionism, reconstructed the timelines of Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Greece, Mycenae, and many more. Velikovsky's historical revisionist books were entitled Ages In Chaos, The Peoples Of The Sea, Ramses II And His Time, Oedipus and Akhenaton, The Assyrian Conquest, and The Dark Age Of Greece, to name a few. The beauty of his work is that it unmasked the mechanism that has been used to distort the historical reality of the Biblical account. It also allows us to see how the secular and pagan accounts, once properly re-synchronized, validate the Holy Bible. In our last issue of CURRENTS, we showed how the beloved Egyptian figure Imhotep was actually Joseph - the son of Jacob whose life is exquisitely described in the book of Genesis. As we move past Joseph & Imhotep's time in our research, we expect to find similarly exciting "matches" in the two historical time-lines. Indeed, the re-synchronization of historical events in the two parallel accounts actually becomes more and more difficult to simply contrive some sort of connection. If the parallel accounts continue to match up, the odds of it being coincidental go off the scale. In other words, if Joseph was indeed Pharaoh Zoser's Grand Vizier Imhotep, then the events that occurred in the next generation after Joseph must also line up with the events that occurred in the next generation after Imhotep. Therefore, as these historical accounts are reconstructed, and the various events continue to match, the chances of the resynchronized histories coinciding by accident changes exponentially. In short, each additional generation with a likely historical corollary proves the revisionist theory correct a thousand times over. The scriptures tell how, after the time of Joseph, another Pharaoh came to power that did not honor Joseph or his descendants in Egypt - to say nothing of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Hebrews fell into slavery, and after many years, God delivered them through Moses amid many miraculously generated plagues. This account is the foundation of the Hebrew religion for it marks the deliverance from slavery for the Israelites and the destruction of their Egyptian oppressors. Secular historians tell us that there is no evidence that the Exodus from Egypt ever took place. The Bible says that Egypt was horribly judged and practically destroyed as a nation. In a very detailed account, the Bible informs us that God sent tremendous plagues and disaster upon the land; yet the conventional historians say there is no trace of such a cataclysm. However, utilizing Velikovky's time-line revisions, we find a radically different scenario. The truth is, at the time of the Exodus and the destruction of Egypt through the plagues sent by God, there was an Egyptian writer named Ipuwer. Writing in the early media of papyrus, this ancient Egyptian recorded his experience of a time when Egypt was decimated through strange plagues; but the "scholars" have dismissed any connection between the two because they were already convinced that the Exodus never happened! Describing the terrible cataclysm that struck Egypt, Ipuwer's papyrus tells us that "...Plague is throughout the land. Blood is...everywhere." 1. At the same time, the book of Exodus says "...there was blood throughout all the land." 2. Ipuwer's papyrus says "The River Is Blood" 3. while the associated biblical account said "All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood." 4. Detail after detail matches up between the ancient Egyptian's words and the Biblical account found in the Hebrew work known as Exodus. Ipuwer writes "Behold, cattle are left to stray" 5. while the Bible says "...he that regarded not the word of the Lord left his cattle in the field." 6. Ipuwer said the catastrophe was so great that "He who places his brother in the ground is everywhere," 7. while the Exodus account said "...there was not a house where there was not one dead." 8. The simple fact is, the Ipuwer papyrus is an eyewitness account of the Passover that was recorded from the Egyptian point of view. Incredibly, the Exodus from Egypt that followed the amazing story of the Passover is also recorded in an Egyptian historical inscription. At the border of Egypt and Palestine is the shrine of El-Arish. Chiseled in stone, it is an Egyptian monument describing a great catastrophe in which the king of Egypt died. The Egyptian text describes a time of great darkness when "The land was in great affliction. Evil fell on this earth...It was a great upheaval in the residence...nobody left the palace...neither the men nor the gods could see the faces of their next."9. The same aspect of the El-Arish account is described in the book of Exodus it says "...and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days; They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place...." 10. The similarities continue from the stone inscription to the Biblical tale - yet the major media has never told the public of these discoveries, and the archeological community has remained quiet concerning the suppression of the facts in this most important discovery. And there is more. The Egyptian El-Arish inscription goes on to tell how the Pharaoh perished in a "whirlpool" while fighting against "evil-doers." It says "His majesty leapt into the so-called Place of the Whirlpool." 11. This is simply astonishing - to say nothing of infuriating. After all, here is a secular historical artifact that plainly confirms that the Exodus occurred - right down to the detail of how the Pharaoh drowned, and yet the scholarly "community" has relegated this important record to obscurity. Why? Because it supports the truth of the Biblical account. The inscription at El-Arish provides an incredibly important detail in that it actually names the location where the Pharaoh died. Amazingly, this Egyptian inscription gives us the same name that is found in the Holy Bible, and it confirms that this is, indeed, an Egyptian account of the Exodus. The stone shrine says "His Majesty [here words are missing] finds on this place called Pi-Kharoti." 12. The Exodus says "...the Egyptians pursued after them...and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pi-ha-hiroth." 13. Pi-Kharoti is Pi-Khiroth in the Hebrew text. Because the establishment "scholars" are convinced that their historical time-lines are correct, they are equally convinced that the Bible cannot be historically accurate. Because of this intellectual bias, they simply discount these striking similarities because they believe the two accounts are, once again, centuries apart. During the 18th dynasty in Egypt, the Kingdom was enjoying a rare period when the nation was ruled by a woman. Her name was Queen Hatshepsut, and she was the daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I. Also known as Makere, this queen left inscriptions, bas-reliefs, and many statues of herself. On the walls of the Egyptian temple at Deir el Bahari is the story of a great journey that was undertaken by the feminine monarch "to the land of punt." 14. While historical accounts don't clearly identify where "punt" was, the temple accounts say it was "a blessed land" where "white men of a north-Semitic or Caucasian race" lived in a "glorious region of God's land." 15. A further clue is given in the temple reliefs where Hatshepsut described how, in this great journey, she finally reached "the myrrh-terraces." 16. The scriptural corollary is in II Chronicles 9:11 where it says that the great king of Israel "...made of the algum trees terraces to the house of the Lord...." This passage came from a period in Israel which the scholars tell us was about 700 years later than the inscriptions at Deir El Bahari. Oddly enough the accounts written in the Bible during this period in the history of Israel also tell the story of a great queen that came to visit the "glorious region of God's land." That king was named Solomon, and the scriptures called his famous visitor The Queen of Sheba. There are no other accounts in the Bible of famous foreign queens that paid a royal visit to Israel, other than The Queen of Sheba. There are no other historical accounts in the Egyptian chronologies about a famous queen that went on trip to visit a grand foreign king other than Queen Hatshepsut, yet the scholars tell us Solomon & Hatshepsut were separated by - you guessed it - about 700Years. Immanuel Velikovsky, David Fry, Ron Wyatt, and other writers have conclusively proved that the Egyptian chronological kings lists and dynastic records are inaccurate - apparently through the error of duplicate or double name entries. The historical time-line eventually corrected itself towards the end of the Old Testament period, but the damage has already been done. It is the most ancient accounts that are the most historically inaccurate, and so the Egyptian deception continues virtually unabated. I believe that the Egyptian historical connection is only the beginning of a far deeper series of spiritual similes and symbols. Readers that have studied the attempts by Lucifer to twist and distort the Bible itself through New Age Bible Versions are aware that virtually every corrupt manuscript of the Bible originated or was translated in Alexandria Egypt. The ancient Egyptian Gnostics were a mysterious sect that were related to the mystical religious order that we know as Freemasonry. The entire New Age movement, and its teachings can be definitively traced to Egyptian religious practices. The metaphysical writings that function as New Age "scripture" are heavily focused on a series of Gnostic books known as the Nag Hammadi Library. One of these, the Gospel of the Egyptians, teaches that the true Saviour of mankind will actually be an Egyptian. The modern resurgence of goddess worship can clearly be traced to the worship of the Egyptian Isis. Furthermore, the heretical teaching that the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were actually descended from "gods" that came from another world is currently enjoying an enormous resurgence with the release of the major film, Stargate and the hit television series of the same name. These programs, and many others, powerfully bolster the growing view that extraterrestrials were active in ancient Egypt and their alleged promise to return is about to be fulfilled. Furthermore, this entire scenario fits extremely well with the extensive writings of Zechariah Sitchin and his predecessor Erich Von Daniken. In a reversal of the truth, these apostates teach that the extraterrestrials were mistakenly thought to be the angels of antiquity seen in the Nephilim account recorded in the Bible (see my book on the Nephilim entitled Where Angels Dare To Tread in the online catalog found at Christianmedianetwork.com) The truth is, the fallen angels are masquerading as extraterrestrials. A false prophet/new age writer with a growing following named Gordon Michael Scallion has predicted that "major archaeological discoveries (in Egypt will) prove the existence of intelligent humans & advanced technological civilizations dating back over 12,000 years." Scallion teaches that soon, mankind will move to a higher consciousness due to the influence of "ascended masters" such as the Egyptian "Ra, Isis, and others...including those incarnations in the 20th & 21st centuries." 17. In short, he is stating that the Egyptian god (Ra) and goddess (Isis) will soon re-emerge in the modern world. Those that have been following Christian Media's work already know about the recently released images that show Egyptian artifacts on the surface of the planet Mars. Commercially available in the new Redstar video produced by prophecy teacher Stewart Best, these artifacts include several buildings, what is thought to be a religious shrine, a large statue that looks like an Egyptian sarcophagus, and even a sphinx. Not dissimilar to the Pharaonic looking "face" on Mars, once again, there is an Egyptian presence in these constructions. (a sampling of the pictures may be found at http://christianmedianetwork.com/redstar.html) Readers familiar with my other writings already know that I have repeatedly prophesied that the Antichrist is an Egyptian. In other studies, I have examined scriptures that I believe clearly predict the Antichrist must be an Egyptian (see my book Waiting For Leviathan that deals with this in detail). Further, I believe the Bible shows that the global government of the United Nations is scheduled to move towards a prophetic repetition of the entire Passover-Exodus episode. The biblical accounts of Joseph and the extensive famine are a prophetic foreshadowing of the Great Tribulation that is about to explode on an unrepentant planet Egypt. During the Joseph/lmhotep historical account, the famine was the instrument that brought the Pharaoh total power for the first time. After the citizens of Egypt (the world) had sold everything they own to the Pharaoh in order to be fed, they sold themselves and became slaves. The Joseph-Pharaoh account further includes a total economic collapse 18. that helped to precipitate the complete seizure of all power by the god-king Pharaoh. This IS precisely what is about to happen. In the later stages of the tribulation cycle, we will see a complete recapitulation of the Passover. God will judge the latter day Pharaoh (the Antichrist) through the plagues depicted in the book of Revelation. Pharaoh's response will be to push his slaves (the believers in Christ) to 'build more bricks.' The plagues will escalate and, in the end, God will carry us over to the promised land. Throughout all the tremendous disasters associated with the judgments of the Great Tribulation, God will Passover his people when the angel of death `sees' the blood of Christ. Please notice that God did not remove his people as the judgments fell - but He preserved them through the time of judgment. 19. In the end, we will see the glorious Planetary Exodus that is scheduled for all that love the appearing of our great God and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. In the meantime, we are stranded here on Planet Egypt -And the final Pharaoh is about to be revealed. James Lloyd Copyright © 2002 Christian Media Network See Also Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection FOOTNOTES 1. Papyrus Ipuwer 2:5, 6, cited in Velikovsky-Ages In Chaos, page 44 2. Exodus 7:20 3. Papyrus Ipuwer 2:10, cited in Velikovsky 4. Exodus 7:20 5. Papyrus Ipuwer 9:2, 3 6. Exodus 9:20 7. Papyrus Ipuwer 2:13 8. Exodus 12:30 9. Velikovsky, Ages In Chaos, page 58 10. Exodus 10:22, 23 11. The Antiquities of Tell el Yahudiyeh, page 73, cited by Velikovsky, AIC 12. Velikovsky, Ages In Chaos, page 61 13. Exodus 14:9 14. Velikovsky, Ages In Chaos, page 127 15. ibid; pg 136 (citing Breasted, Vol II Section 288. 16. ibid. 17. Earth Changes Report, Gordon Michael Scallion's Predictions for 1995, January 1995 & March 1995, page 9 18. Genesis 47:15 19. John 17:15 |