The Lethal, The Lukewarm, & The Lost |
Consider the following example: two people are in a serious moral conflict. Outside of the immediate arena, whenever an aggressive personality espouses the cause of one of the combatants, those present agree with him. On another occasion when the opposite point of view is being urged, those same people become completely 'wishy-washy' and now agree that the opposite point of view is the right one. This flip-flop mentality is characteristic of the cliché about a man waiting to see which way the wind blows. The Bible teaches that "a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8) and we are not to be inconsistent in our thought processes. Ephesians warns us that we are not to be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive...." (Ephesians 4:14). In my particular case, I'm referring to the seeming inability of so many people to actually make a stand in an unwavering fashion for what they claim to believe in. In the wider political, spiritual, and even social arenas, this propensity towards a state of wavering seems to be a common human failing. The present widespread condition of double-mindedness is not an accident. A tremendous amount of energy, planning, and calculation in high places has gone into just what steps would be required to bring mankind to the place he presently finds himself. I further believe that as prophesied events continue to unfold, this powerful inertia will become almost irresistible as it pulls people towards the center and consensus with the majority. In the political realm, we can readily see the forces of apathy at work. As intense critics of the political leadership found in the White House due to their secretive associations and hidden new world order oriented agendas, we recognize the tactic being utilized. This formula is so powerful, that even though I'm completely aware of the fact that we're being manipulated in this fashion, I still find a brief sympathy for the American government on at least one level. In this instance, I'm referring to the so-called war on terrorism. Irregardless of the fact that the government's recent actions are the obvious result of a series of carefully orchestrated moves, as Christians we have little choice but to stand as Christians against the tyranny of ISLAM within the political construct of America. This bizarre partial common ground with the conspirators in government is in the realm of the present military hostilities we are encountering in the war with the militant religion of Mohammed. To those that are fully apprised of the very sophisticated planning that has gone into maneuvering events to bring us to our present predicament, it does not come as a surprise to see public opinion being molded in the fashion we are presently seeing. While the political spin-doctor's agenda is to continually try to characterize the conflict as a battle against terrorism, we know that the real agenda is to use the terrorist threat to strip away any vestigial constitutional rights of Americans. Unfortunately, the government's political manipulations notwithstanding, it is a fact that Islam is the obvious breeding ground of the international violence that has now arrived on our shores. Many have made the comparison between the 911 events and Pearl Harbor. In the episode that catapulted America into the frenzy of World War II, it is a documented fact that the American government methodically anticipated the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to catalyze public opinion into bringing America into the already raging conflict in Europe. In short, everyone in the know knows our leadership knew all about the impending attack long before it occurred - in order to manipulate public opinion which was apathetic and isolationist at the time and clearly against any US involvement in the larger war then occurring in the European theatre. However, it is incumbent upon us to realize that although there was a terrible complicity as our leaders sought to mold public opinion in the direction they thought we should go, we dare not ignore the fact that the Japanese fascism of the era was clearly a threat that would eventually have to be dealt with. Even though the trail of this political chicanery led to the White House, the fact is, the Japanese actually did the murdering of the Americans located at Pearl. So too in the present arena and the very real hot war that is just beginning with Islam. For example, in a recent article posted on the internet via an Al Quaida media organ, a militant Islamic leader categorically stated that Islam has "the right" to murder 4 million Americans. Suleiman Abu Gheith, a spokesman for something called the Center for Islamic Research and Studies, further stated that it is perfectly acceptable if half of those casualties are children. The Moslem leader claimed support for this position based on teachings found in the Quran - the holy book of Islam. Even though world leaders have carefully sought to portray Islam as a peaceful religious movement with a small minority of militant extremists, the truth is the basis for the religion has always been WAR - and those that refuse to recognize the face of a deadly enemy place everyone else in jeopardy. Abu Gheith flatly claims "America is the reason for all oppression, injustice, licentiousness, or suppression that is the Muslims' lot." This irrational blanket of blame completely ignores the ignorant and primitive policies forced upon millions of individuals by oppressive clerics and the various thrones they support - instead claiming that America is the cause of all Muslim poverty and political oppression! The Islamic religionist, who is believed to have direct links to the murderous Al Quaida group, says that America "stands behind all the disasters that were caused and are still being caused to the Muslims; it is immersed in the blood of Muslims and cannot hide this." According to this hideous "religious" bigot, American women and children are justifiable targets for murder and slaughter in order to force the world to become "subject to the religion of Allah." Like Osama Bin Ladin and other militant clerics, he urges Moslems to "fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal maladies...." While many patriots are aware that new world order planners are utilizing these violent factions in order to move the world to a universal tyranny through the fomenting of such conflicts, the fact remains that Islamic militancy is functioning in dozens of countries and they only understand one language - the universal communication of military force. And this Jihad is anything but an idle threat - the fact that multiple Islamic controlled governments are actually allocating "martyr money" to reward families whose young men commit suicide bombings is prima facie evidence that this antagonism against America should be taken most seriously. Incredibly, in the face of this obvious threat, many Americans are still seeking to "halt...between two opinions" (I Kings 18:21). As a case in point, at the just completed commencement ceremonies at Harvard University, Faculty members chose Zayed Yasin, a past president of the Harvard Islamic Society, to deliver the address. Yasin's subject was entitled American Jihad, and in what has to be the most astonishing case of apathy I can recall, 32,000 Americans sat still while this Islamic leader claimed that a Jihad (or "holy war") against America "is not something that should make someone feel uncomfortable." This double-mindedness is simply beyond comprehension, but not altogether an isolated incident. For example, across the ocean, the European Community has recently refused to categorize the Hezbollah organization as a terrorist organization. That particular group of murderous Moslems is financed by the Islamic controlled Iranian government and has been repeatedly proven to be the recipient of smuggled arms in Southern Lebanon - obviously to be used in the ongoing "diplomacy" with the former Syrian state's enemy to the immediate South. To put it bluntly, people will DIE because of the EC's wavering in this matter. Those that are familiar with our prophetic perspective here at Christian Media know that we are not unqualified defenders of the state of Israel. We have, on occasion, pointed out Jewish complicity in many hideous evils here in America. Furthermore, we abhor the sneaky deals being made by the US government, the United Nations, and just about every other international political entity. However, we don't see any Israelis teaching their children to strap on a vest of explosives and walk into a crowded venue in order to kill as many human beings as possible. We don't see the White House or Tel Aviv producing a telethon to raise money, as Saudi Arabia recently did, so they can pay the families of the misguided martyrs as an inducement to others to continue in their unholy Jihad. We don't see any Italian, Polish, or Irish names of hijackers that are murdering innocents with razorblades or box-cutters aboard 767's or cruise ships named the Achille Lauro. In a perfect world, the next victims of the murderous thugs of the Muslim world would be the families of those Harvard morons that think you can dialogue with and appease evil - but it won't work out that way. The truth is, the inability to make a stand for truth and justice is but a symptom of the spiritually lethargic condition we find ourselves in. Meanwhile, the Spirit of Antichrist is hard at work in every corner of every faction in this convoluted nightmare we call the modern world. Indeed, although I've barely scratched the surface of the subject, this moral malaise is widely functioning in Christian spheres of influence as well. The only responsible response is to seek the truth while He may yet be found. Jesus Christ cut to the heart of the matter when he said "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." To that we would add, once you learn about and meet the truth, hang on for dear life because that wavering wind is just beginning to blow. James Lloyd Copyright © 2002 Christian Media Network See Also |