CHRISTIAN MEDIA RESEARCH - Exposing apostacy and more within the Christian church


The Diabolical System Of Diaprax

iaprax is a word coined by Dean Gotcher, founder of the Institute for Authority Research. Dean has traveled the United States and given over 1,000 live presentations to Christians explaining this wicked technique that is surreptitiously destroying our families, our government, and even our Christian churches.

After reading and digesting 600+ social psychology books, Mr. Gotcher joined the word dialectic and the word praxis to create the term DIAPRAX. Dialectic is a philosophical term that describes the use of dialogue to resolve conflict between opposing ideas or opinions. The word Praxis simply means "to practice." Therefore, Diaprax is the practice of the dialectic.

These terms are derived from the ungodly 18th century philosophical model that is known as the Hegelian Dialectic. Named after the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Hegel (although considerably refined since its inception in Hegel's era), this world view has now completely enveloped the world.

In its simplest form, the Diaprax system is a process whereby the entire world will eventually dialog until they reach a consensus. The 3 part formula consists of 3 essential components: Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. Simply put, a "thesis" is combined with the opposing view, the "anti-thesis," and the result is called the "synthesis."

In the Bible we see Satan cause the fall of man through the use of Diaprax (the practice of the dialectic). Eve tells the Serpent that God has commanded that of the tree in the midst of the garden, that they "shall not eat of" it. That is the thesis. Then Satan offers an opposing opinion (the antithesis) that flies in the face of the Word of God, telling Eve about the benefits of eating the forbidden fruit. Eve joins the two views and comes up with the synthesis - the fruit is "good food," "pleasant to the eye" and will "make one wise." Through Adam and Eve's reasoning, God's eternal truth was reasoned away, and the curse of death replaced the gift of eternal life.

No Christian can follow the Lord of the Bible, and partake of Diaprax. You cannot serve two masters, and the practicing of the Dialectic is an insidious process that now permeates all forms of society -  including the "management" practices of the corporate Christian church.

In the same manner that Diaprax was used to "facilitate" the fall of man, it is today "facilitating" the complete destruction of our country. The American family has moved from Patriarchic (the Biblical model of the family) to the more Diaprax-oriented Matriarchic. The end result may be referred to as Heresyarchic. The synthesis of the Patriarchal and the Matriarchal is Heresy-archical. Satan tempted (diapraxed) Eve who compromised the fact based instructions of God the sake of relationship - the then nascent dialog with the Serpent.

Obviously, men are also susceptible to the same approach, for Adam willfully disobeyed God for the sake of the relationship with Eve - who had already eaten of the fruit. When reduced to a simple philosophical paradigm, God's Word is absolute and is true. This is the Thesis.

As various doctrinal approaches to Christianity vie for pre-eminence, while posing as interpretive systems, they ultimately put forward the Antithesis. As Christians seek to maintain their relationships with churches, family, friends, government, etc. (see Mark 13:12) slowly erode (sacrifice) their previously firm stance on the pure fact of God's word in order to preserve the relationship. Thus, each person is eventually processed and a Synthesis is reached.

Virtually all organizational structures are presently moving in the spirit of Diaprax. Every city council, county board of commissioners, courthouse, church board of Elders, and corporate enterprise is deeply enmeshed in the process.

In this fashion, previously Protestant organizations that were staunchly anti-Papist are now embracing the heresy of Rome. Previously conservative Christian groups are slowly allowing women to become pastors, homosexuals to be married in the church, and firm doctrines such as the Virgin birth to be liberally "spiritualized." Bibles (such as the NIV) are being translated via a system known as "dynamic equivalency" which is built on the process of the Diaprax - a translational dialogue to consensus.

On the political front, the once great American Republic is Diapraxing itself into a totalitarian police state, and falling in line with the One-World United Nations government that the Scriptures declare will arise in the last days. After "dialoguing to consensus" on the subject of security versus personal freedom, the public has moved from the absolute guarantee of The Bill Of Rights (the thesis) and forfeited personal freedoms (the synthesis) because the compromise is necessary in order for the government to "protect" us - the threat to our security being the antithesis.

The consensus (the result of the social Diaprax) has concluded that "peace and safety" is more important than individual freedoms.

The process works in literally thousands of environments and is now running at full speed. Interestingly enough, the American Peoples Encyclopedia states that the Diaprax "can come to rest only at the apex of a hierarchial system." Its early 20th century fruits were Communism and Fascism. This is the mechanism for the ultimate hierarchic system which the Bible tells us will be ruled by the globalist elite with their inevitable Antichrist (the synthesis) at the top of the political pyramid that is presently being constructed.

Sadly, most mainstream Christian churches are allowing the Diapraxing of their values as codified in the Ten Commandments - the Thesis. The Antithesis is Government sanctioned Abortion, Homosexuality, Pornography, Divorce, and many other non-Christian behaviors. Because the incorporated state-sanctioned churches are required by law to respond in a certain fashion to these sins in order to maintain their 501(c)(3) non-profit status, the churches have compromised the truth of God's word in order to preserve the relationship with the government.

The inevitable Synthesis is a powerless church that has "become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit... ." (Revelation 18:3)

Once again, a simple example of the Diaprax process in the Christian church works like this: Homosexuality is a sin (God's truth). This is the Thesis, the truth of God. Man reasons that Jesus loves everyone, therefore we should love everyone. This is the Antithesis. Thus, the Synthesis is that the church accepts (or simply tolerates) the sin because it loves the sinner.

For Christians, all SIN is the inevitable result of practicing Diaprax. The conscience deals in truth in absolute black and white - thou shalt not, right or wrong, yes or no. Man's "ego" deals in the gray zone of feelings and emotions - the desires of man's lustful heart - could be, should, wannabe, etc. So we compromise God's truth with our reasoning, and we sin. Unless you have "the mind of Christ," the end result for all humanity is a reprobate mind that has brought the organized Christian church and the freedom loving people of America to the point where they are now embracing the diabolical system of The Antichrist and his False Prophet - the Diaprax.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." - Isaiah 55:8


Doug Hudson & James Lloyd

See Also

Deceit And The Dialectic DVD

Dragonspeak: The Language Of Lucifer

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