Behold The Mark Of The Beast |
Revelation 13:17 explains that in the end times people will not be able to "buy or sell" without "the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name." The name and number of the beast are already an accepted part of every citizen's daily business, and wholeheartedly accepted by mainstream Christianity. The "name" of the beast is a person's name spelled in all capital letters. It is a distinct identity created by government (the beast). A state issues a driver's license to John Doe in all capital letters - JOHN DOE. The same is true of a credit card, a bank checking account and the Social Security card. The created "person" does not have the same God-given rights as the flesh and blood man or woman (you) when operating under their given Christian name. The "number of the beast" is the government assigned number that is attached to the created "person." For example, Mr. John Doe applies for a state driver's license, and government creates JOHN DOE, #123456789. John Doe signs the license, and agrees to operate in the system of commerce as JOHN DOE, #123456789. In effect, he (or she) assumes the identity created for them by the beast. Throughout the world today it is already extremely difficult to "buy or sell" without the created all capitals name and its assigned number as identification. A bank account, credit card, driver's license and Social Security all use the "name" and "number" of the beast. Accepting the beast's ungodly money system and surrendering your God-given rights for beast issued privileges is how you "worship the image of the beast." While the subject of how you "worship" is hotly contested by those seeking to justify their position, Romans 6:15 puts it rather succinctly: "Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness?" If you study this passage, you'll see that either option is "obedience," but one path is sinful and leads to death, and the other is associated with righteousness and leads to life. While a lengthy exposition of the much distorted 13th chapter of Romans is beyond the scope of the present essay, the simple fact is this verse in Romans 6 states that one form of obedience leads to death. The bad news is that the entire world is preparing to accept the final "mark of the beast" - the one that brings God's condemnation and eternal damnation (see Revelation 14:9). Worse yet, they will do it while quoting from the bar-coded Bibles they carry. A worldwide identification card with microprocessors and even under-the-skin microchips will enable a totally cashless - and Godless - beast society. The United Nations is currently considering a plan proposed by Belgium's Pascal Smet for universal identification and registration of every person in the world. Mr. Smet points out that the European Union is considering a fingerprint or eye scan to identify every European. "There are no technical problems. It is only a question of will," according to Smet. As the year 2002 began, more than 100 nations had some form of national ID system in place. In Spain an ID card is required at age 14; in Argentina at age 8; in Germany at age 16; in Belgium at age 15. Kenya requires national ID to be carried at all times by all citizens. In America, a Social Security number is required in order to receive a wage at almost any place of employment. The very concept of working for a living implicitly embodies "buying and selling" - vis a vis exchanging your hours of effort in return for a financial remuneration. A recent poll by the Pew Research Center showed that 2/3 of Americans support the mandatory display of a national ID card on demand in order to "feel safe and secure." So-called Smart-cards, an identity card with embedded chips are already in use by 120,00 U.S. military troops, and the goal is to issue 4 million cards within two years. This technology has already been proven by Applied Digital Systems (ADS), the inventors of the so-called digital angel. ADS holds patents on chips which are currently implanted in more than one million animals to track and identify them. The embedded chips are already in voluntary use in many humans, such as heart patients with pacemakers or artificial valves, and even knee and hip replacement patients. A chip implant is now required for all convicted sex-offenders in California. Richard Sullivan, the CEO of ADS, says the chips will shortly be in widespread use in children, the elderly and employees at secure facilities. He believes society will quickly accept the chip in place of ATM and credit cards. ADS is actively lobbying congress to force the implanting of a chip in every foreigner admitted to the US in order to identify and track them. The company expects approval from the FDA within 18 months for unlimited use of their chips in humans. Plans for the massive databases and infrastructure needed for "the mark of the beast" system are well under way. The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators is working to link all state driver's license databases with high-tech licenses using biometric identifiers, bar codes and computer chips. Currently in America, state and federal police authorities use the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database for identification purposes on vehicle stops. The US Department of Justice and the General Services Administration have admitted working on a standardized national ID system based upon the state driver's license. The Air Transport Association wants a travel card/ID system with biometric identifiers. America's War on Terrorism is spreading throughout the world. Fourteen of the nineteen terrorists that attacked America on 9/11 had forged ID papers. Obviously, standard identification papers and cards are easily forged. The desire for safety and security makes the world population willing to submit to a unified system of identification for every person in the world. The technology is already in place, so this is the obvious solution to the "problem" of identifying the undesirable elements among us. And the beast is ready to mandate it. A facial scan or hand scan are the quickest systems yet devised, and require the least digital storage. What is truly startling is how few Christians have actually thought through the decision as to where they will draw the line. Most just vaguely say that they will refuse to accept any chip implant. A few Christians have already publicly stated they will immediately accept any imbedded chip because Jesus "will forgive even that." These usually cite Scriptures speaking of submission to governing authorities. Others have recognized the spiritual nature of submission - and how the decision to abide or not to abide within the edicts of the beast is precedent to any final numbering scenario. These believe that their present refusal to function within existing political and commercial parameters is crucial to recognizing where the line will ultimately be drawn. These non-conformists are already resisting on a variety of levels, including renouncement of the Social Security number and a refusal to be licensed to drive. Vast numbers of Christians confidently believe they will be raptured before the final requirement to receive a beast sanctioned identity is implemented. The simple truth is, the "mark of the beast" system has already ensnared significant numbers of "believers" who will simply continue to readjust their rationalizations as the beast slowly but surely tightens his grip on an already undiscerning Christian church. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; "And that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16, 17) James Lloyd Copyright © 2001 Christian Media Network See Also |